Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 103 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town

Chapter 103 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town (04)
Max laughed: "Lovely girl, there will indeed be a flower protector! But a grocery store boy like you, you'd better get out of here!"

"Today I'll let you know how powerful the grocery store guy is!" Payne finished speaking, punching Max.

At this time, a person came from nowhere. The person was extremely fast, pushed Payne away, and stood between the two of them.

"Fighting is prohibited in Jasmine Town, you guys, follow me back to the town committee."

This is an extremely beautiful man, yes, it is not an exaggeration to describe him as beautiful.He was wearing a uniform, and An Luo recognized him as the town's sheriff Donald, the town's highest-level administrator, equivalent to the mayor, who had just arrived in this town this month.

When he came to the town committee, Donald asked about the situation and criticized everyone.

"Max, what's the matter with you? She is a 12-year-old girl. Your behavior is suspected of committing a crime. The sheriff has the right to detain you. Do you know?"

Max held Donald's hand and said, "You misunderstood, I actually did this to see you."

Donald gave him a blank look: "If you do this again, be careful that I will chop off your claws."

Max withdrew his hand in a hurry, and stood aside obediently.

Donald went on to criticize Payne: "You young man is too impulsive, you can't hit people no matter what!"

He said to Jasmine again: "And you, why didn't you come to me about your mother's illness? I heard that you went to get the magic flower alone? It's dangerous, you know? Come to me in the future if you need anything."

Speaking of this, he criticized Max again: "You are too much, don't you? Let a little girl go pick the magic flower, do you still have a conscience? Her mother is sick, please take a look at it first." , and collect money slowly in the future!"

Unexpectedly, this sentence irritated Max: "If anyone who comes to see a doctor here pays credit, will I still be alive? If it is cured, it can be cured, but it can't be cured? If the other party doesn't pay, am I wasting my time? If you have such a kind heart, why don’t you help? Why don’t you come to see you? I don’t believe in Jasmine’s family situation, as a magistrate, you won’t know! The most hypocritical is you, why are you pretending to be a good person?”

Sheriff Donald put Max directly in the cell.

"What if the town residents are sick now? I'm the only doctor in the whole town." Max roared.

"Don't worry, I will lock you up for one night, so that you can reflect on yourself!"

Payne and An Luo looked embarrassed, and Donald said to them: "Don't be nervous, let's go, you two have to learn your lesson, don't fight within the jurisdiction of the sheriff, or you will be locked in!"

An Luoxin said that fortunately, when he met Jiaojiao this morning, he controlled himself, otherwise he would probably be locked in now.

Back home, the mother had already rested. An Luo felt that the mother was still very big-hearted. She didn't even ask her daughter if she didn't come back so late.

Early the next morning, An Luo prepared some simple sandwiches in the kitchen, then went to the field to clean up the weeds in the field, and then went to the bookstore to buy teleportation magic. It will be much more convenient and faster.

In the afternoon, Payne and An Luo met in the square, and the two went to fight monsters outside the city together.

Once outside the city, An Luo suddenly had the feeling that a great god is taking you flying. He is simply a super god, and he is extremely familiar with the terrain here. It didn't take long for An Luo to be brought near a ruins.

"There is a deer demon here. If you can win it, you can get super antlers, which are medium-level equipment. It can be sold for 5000 yuan in my house, and sometimes 1 yuan in the market. Do you want to try it?"

(End of this chapter)

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