Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 107 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town

Chapter 107 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town (08)
The real body of the dryad is extremely powerful, and it is impossible for An Luo to beat him, so she ran out in a hurry while the house collapsed.

She didn't know where it was, anyway, she just ran wildly with her eyes darkened, looking for a place to hide first.

The dryad destroyed the entire building, and started to use the branches to catch the surrounding beasts and monsters, and ate them when caught, without any thought at all. It seemed that it was not only a dryad, but also a dryad in a state of rampage.

An Luo was very worried, so he followed him from a distance to see what would happen to him in the end.Fortunately, it lasted about 10 minutes, and there was another golden light, and the dryad disappeared.

She ran to the place where the dryad disappeared and saw Max lying unconscious on the ground.

It was getting late at this time, and An Luo wanted to go back, but her teleportation could only take her alone, not the other person.She had no choice but to stay and light the bonfire. On the one hand, she didn't want Max to suffer from hypothermia, and on the other hand, she hoped that people in the town would find the smoke if they were looking for them.

She wanted to wait until tomorrow morning, when her physical strength recovered, and drag Max back.

Fortunately, it was almost midnight when Max woke up and saw himself lying in the wilderness with a puzzled look on his face: "Why am I here?"

"You don't even remember what happened just now?" An Luo leaned over and asked him.

"Can not remember."

"Where did you not remember?" An Luo thought in his heart that if he didn't remember from the beginning, she would make up a story for him.

As a result, Max said: "It started when you injected me with the venom."

An Luo sighed. It seems that this guy has a good memory. He deserves to be a genius with an IQ of 260. The only shortcoming is that his fighting power in the transformed state is average. If he has half the fighting power of the Snake King, he will be invincible.

"You restored the prototype, destroyed the laboratory and this forest, and ate a lot of beasts and monsters. Do you feel a stomachache now?" An Luo asked him curiously.

Max waved his hand: "It's okay, the prototype and my current body are two different systems, don't worry." When he said this, he suddenly felt something was wrong, "What did I become just now? Why did you say it was my prototype?"

An Luo had no choice but to tell him about the sealed land, but Max said, "You are An Luo? But I have already come out of the sealed land."

So this is the future dryad. No wonder the people in the sealed land don't know about this plane. She thought that they didn't exist in this plane.

An Luo asked him how he came out, what happened to him afterwards, but the tree demon told her: "These are all secrets. When I came out, the Lord God told me that I might meet you before, but I can't say , because everything is changing."

"Since it was ordered by the Lord God, it's okay not to say it, anyway, as long as you come out safely." An Luo then asked him, "How did you feel about the demon venom just now?"

"It doesn't seem to be useful!" Max sighed, "But the laboratory is also destroyed, so I have to start all over again."

"What exactly is Mr. Max trying to do? Is this your mission?"

"No, I'm just practicing in this world. As for this matter, it's a side job. I just think it's fun."

"Do you want to go back to the sealed land?"

Max looked at her and said to her: "Okay! Let me think about it, maybe I can find a way to conduct my experiment without hurting other people." He continued, "This place is full of aura and is very suitable for us. Cultivation, Snake King and Demon are also here, but I haven't met Nine Tails and your emperor."

"Who are the Snake King and the Demon from our small town?"

"Well, I'll tell you as soon as you kiss me." Max adjusted his glasses again and said to her.

(End of this chapter)

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