Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 110 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town

Chapter 110 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town (11)
Nine-Tails travels to the sculpture in the suburbs. Yesterday, the Snake King pretended to date Jiaojiao and killed her, so that Nine-Tail's soul was attached to Jiaojiao.

An Luo bowed his head and remained silent.

Nine-tailed Jiaojiao continued: "Actually, the last time Snake King Payne took you out of the city, he also had this idea, but he saw that your method of killing monsters was very familiar, and suspected that you were An Luo, so he didn't do it."

An Luo felt that he had lost his life. At that time, he thought it was the plane of farming in love, but he didn't expect it to be in the plane of farming in terror.

Jiaojiao added some milk and sugar to An Luo's black tea and handed it to her: "Don't forget, we are the Four Great Demon Kings, not the Four Great Benevolent Men. It can be said that we are very restrained now."

An Luo took the black tea and looked up at her: "Master Nine Tails, you have always been very friendly in my heart, even if I heard what you did, it seemed to me like other people's things. Now that I have experienced it personally, It's just scary."

"The more you travel through the Ten Thousand Realms, the more you will understand. Moreover, we are not the only bad people in this world. At least we do bad things blatantly, and those who do bad things secretly are even more terrifying. As for this Jiaojiao, she is no longer I know that I have changed a few souls, so there is no regret." Jiaojiao paused, took An Luo's hand, and said to her,

"In the sealed place, if we are not careful, we will be roasted by lightning and tortured. You may not be aware of this. We love you and hide many things from you. But, you have to remember, it is not true For us, what you see is only the best side of us, the side with the most desires and desires."

An Luo's eyes showed doubts.

Jiaojiao continued: "But don't worry, even for ourselves, we will never hurt you. What's more, we love you very much. Especially me."

An Luo looked up at her in surprise, and Jiaojiao pinched her face: "Stupid! Because you are my best friend!" An Luo didn't hear the words in Jiuwei's heart, "No wonder!"

An Luo is not an obsessive person either, since things are going to be like this, she accepts it.After afternoon tea, Jiaojiao insisted on taking out some beautiful clothes for An Luo to try on.

"No, you are a young lady, so it is appropriate to wear such clothes. I am just an ordinary girl in a small town, so it should be simpler." An Luo refused.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but I really like to see you dressed up like a princess. You are so cute. When I was in the sealed land, I often had such thoughts."

"But Master Nine-Tails, most of me in the sealed land are boys!"

"Boys are the cutest when they dress up as princesses!"

An Luo was speechless and said goodbye and went home.

She thought about the matter of seizing the house carefully, and remembered that Dr. Max had said that he gave the townspeople the medicine extracted from the blood of demons, but it had no effect.So the mother's situation changed, could it be that her soul was replaced after she fell ill that day?She often goes out to hang out, perhaps also for practice.

If so, your own situation is too dangerous.

Bold assumptions, careful verification.This is what the dryad master taught her.An Luo did not act rashly, but followed her mother for a few days to confirm that she was indeed practicing, and the way she practiced was to increase the favorability with the residents of the town, so she had to greet all the residents every day, and then help with some Things, accept some commissions.

Because of this, my mother has no time to cook.

(End of this chapter)

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