Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 114 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town

Chapter 114 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town (15)
When An Luo heard that he could participate in the men's competition, he said to Sheriff Donald, "Is this okay? I want to join the boys' team too!"

Donald took out the game schedule and looked at it, and told them: "Everything else is fine, just this swimsuit display..." He glanced at Jiaojiao, then at An Luo, coughed lightly, "Jiaojiao , you definitely won’t be able to participate in the swimsuit show, but Jasmine can.”

An Luo smiled awkwardly: "I'm still young, hehe..."

"Okay, stop messing around, you can participate in any competition you want to participate in, and you still have to take it seriously." He thought for a while, and asked Jiuwei Jiaojiao, "What's the matter, your male consciousness has awakened Already? Do you have a sweetheart?"

Jiaojiao's cheeks were slightly flushed: "No, I just don't think it's challenging to be in the girls' group. I want to go to the boys' group and fight Payne."

"Oh, that's it! That's good! Love is too sour, it's not suitable for you." Charming Donald told Nine-Tails Jiaojiao quietly.

Jiaojiao gave him a white look: "You who spread dog food every day, still say that love is sour?"

"My love is super sweet, but if you are in love, it must be sour!"

"You cursed me?"

"I just know you!"

After a disagreement, Jiaojiao's fire magic attack has already come out, Donald dodged the attack, and hastily used dark magic to control Jiaojiao.

An Luo was afraid that the room would be ignited by fire magic, so he hurriedly extinguished all the small flames with water magic.

For a while, the town committee was in chaos, and Donald locked Jiaojiao into the confinement room of the town committee: "This magistrate ordered you to reflect on yourself for 24 hours in the name of the king!"

On the day of the Town God and Goddess Competition, Jiaojiao still participated in the boys' competition. She said that she could give up the swimsuit, but she could participate in other events, for this reason.Jiaojiao also cut her long hair short.

While helping Jiaojiao try men's clothing, An Luo asked her, "Why do you have to participate in the men's competition this time? If you don't show the swimsuit, you will lose one point of score, and it is almost impossible to get the ranking!"

"I just want you to know how handsome my brother is."

An Luo didn't understand: "I know Master Jiuwei is the most handsome, you don't have to prove it to me! Besides, why don't you transmigrate into a boy?"

"Because I'm a witch system, I can't complete the task by transmigrating into a boy." Jiaojiao smiled, "After my tasks are completed, I'm going to compete with your emperor and vow to take you back!"

This is the second time An Luo has heard "Your Regal", Dr. Max also said it once before.

"Why do you all say it's my emperor?"

"It's nothing, hehe." Jiaojiao said hastily, "I hope you can practice with me after you are free, and don't follow that boring guy."

Is he boring?An Luo thought about it carefully, and felt that Emperor Zun was indeed a bit colder in his impression.But the status is there, it's okay if you are not aloof!

On the square, the game begins.There are not many people in the town, so the girl group and the boy group each have a dozen people.

Jiaojiao's two little followers were so surprised that their jaws dropped when they saw Jiaojiao dressed up by a boy. Of course, not only them, but the residents of the whole town thought that this was really an evil, charming, suave and suave girl. juvenile.

The competition for the girl group started first. The first event was a talent show. Some performed dancing, some performed playing and singing, some sang, and some offered cookies.

An Luo felt that he had learned all these things, but he didn't remember them all. He thought that it was not worth buying his skills for this shit, after all, it was not his task to win the championship in this event.

So, perform a backflip!
(End of this chapter)

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