Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 121 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town

Chapter 121 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town (22)
Only then did An Luo know that he came to this plane at the best time.

"Of course, you can also buy it in the market, but it will be more expensive. After I leave, you have to work harder to make money." The blacksmith said.

"Uh, don't worry, are you worried?" An Luo couldn't take it anymore, and it felt a little strange to be cared about by many people.

The blacksmith looked at her: "No, I still can't go."


"When I leave this plane, what will you do if you marry someone else?"

"I..." An Luo was speechless, "I'm only 12 years old! Who will I marry?"

"But in a few years, you will grow up."

"Then don't leave, marry me!" An Luo said with a smile.

"No, I may leave this plane at any time, and the souls of other people will be with you at that time, which is too scary!" Xuanyu Blacksmith shook his head, as if trying to dispel some bad illusions.

An Luo slapped the table: "Brother, what are you thinking about! Come on, how much is this equipment?"

The blacksmith came back to his senses: "My God, what am I talking about, I'm sorry. These total 1280 million yuan."

An Luo put away the newly bought weapons and equipment, and the number of grids in the backpack has also increased recently, reaching 50.

The new map can only be opened under the leadership of Payne, and it is accessed through a hidden location in the North Mountain of the small town.

This map is amazing. You can see monsters that can drop S-level equipment everywhere. Every time you walk, you will encounter a big boss that can drop SSS-level equipment.With the current level of the four of them, fighting S-rank monsters can be done easily by one person. Fighting SS-rank monsters requires two people to work together. When encountering SSS-rank monsters, it is indeed safer for four to fight together.

Even so, in one afternoon, everyone defeated two SSS level monsters.

The equipment picked up by each party should be kept separately. If the equipment picked up by a joint effort, it will be sold and shared equally. This is agreed in advance.Whether you can find the gem that Payne needs, no one knows, but it is indeed a good place to collect good equipment.After practicing in this place, An Luo really didn't want to go to other maps to fight those miscellaneous fish that disappeared in one hit.

The addition of Max has also greatly increased the time everyone can fight monsters. He can assist in the output of medicines at any time, and has excellent healing skills.An Luo never imagined in his dreams that the tree demon, who once made the world hate him, can now become the most heart-warming "Nurse".

In the eyes of the former tree demon, there is no individual in the world, all human beings are scum, and he is only happy when everything is wiped out and smoothed out.

I don't know when he started to realize that these individuals seem to be quite interesting, and these human beings are not so annoying. They may not be perfect, but he doesn't object.The desire to destroy the world does not seem to be so strong anymore.Because of this, he spends less and less time on the experiment of destroying the world, but more and more time on helping the world and saving people.

"If this continues, how can I still be called the demon king? What do other demons think of me? How do my disciples and grandchildren think of me?" Sometimes, the tree demon Max would confide his thoughts to the demon Donald in this way.

Donald would comfort him like this: "It's okay, with your strength, whoever dares to refuse to accept, just destroy it. Why should you care what they think?"

(End of this chapter)

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