Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 132 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 132 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (09)
Jiuzhuan River, the monstrous river rushes in, as if it wants to swallow this chaotic world.

"Master Xuan Yu, if you fly across this river, you will be at Sanlong Island. When you get there, everything is up to you." A guard said to Xuan Yu.

Another guard said: "Master Xuan Yu, we believe that you will come back safely."

"Thank you!" Xuan Yu nodded, looking at the shadowy Sanlong Island on the other side of the river, her heart was still filled with worry.

A black shadow streaked across the sky, and accompanied by a strange but familiar laughter, a very handsome boy who was only six or seven years old appeared in front of everyone.

The guard frowned: "Where did the kid come from? Get lost!"

The little boy grinned, stretched out his finger, and a cold light flashed. Seeing that the guard's life was in danger, Xuan Yu used magic to intercept him.

The guards were so frightened that their faces turned blue, and they all drew out their long swords around their waists in a defensive posture.

With a wave of Xuan Yu's hand, the two guards couldn't move.

"I sealed their five senses, Mei, just tell me what you want from me! But, don't hurt them, they are just following orders." Xuan Yu said to the little boy in front of him.

That's right, this little boy is Xishan Yumei, Xuan Yu's younger brother, who is only six years old now.

Yan Mei put away her smile and asked him: "Are you planning to go to Sanlong Island to die?"

"I'm willing to challenge. If I can't even defeat Sanlong Island, I will be nothing but a mediocre person in the future. Why don't I try my best now to prove my strength." Xuan Yu explained.

"Why bother? The world is so big, why make yourself feel uncomfortable?" Qi Mei didn't understand, "Brother, come with me! Together, we brothers will turn this world upside down."

Xuan Yu shook his head: "I won't leave, I have my own principles." He continued to persuade Qi Mei, "As an elder brother, I also want to warn you that it is advisable to cultivate with spiritual energy, but to practice with life is to fall into the devil's way. , don’t do this, while you’re still young, you’ll do it right now.”

"Brother, look back, is it Shore? That's hell!" Although Mei Mei is young, she seems to have a lot of ideas, "Rather than falling into hell, it's more interesting to say that I want to create a hell with my own hands. "

"Qi Mei, the crime is too deep, and I will definitely be punished. As an older brother, I really feel guilty for not being able to take care of you in the past few years. However, I flew all over the world to find you, and let you out again, so that you can Have a bright future instead of wishing you lived in darkness."

"Brother, it's too late, it's too late, because I can't see the light at all, and I can't accept the light. I was only three years old, and I was sealed in endless darkness by my father. Do you know how scared and helpless I am? ?Until one day, I got used to this darkness, and even liked this feeling of darkness. You don’t have to persuade me, I’m here to persuade you now, come with me! Let’s tear up all the things in Qihuang Mountain broken!"

An Luo didn't know that Master Qi Mei had such an experience. How did such a young child survive the three years of being sealed?Although it is said that she is the stone that seals the evil spirit, she does not know it, and has never discovered that she is still sealing a young evil spirit.

It wasn't until later in the ghost city plane that An Luo knew that the evil spirit had only left a faint breath here, perhaps as a hope for his mother or brother.As for himself, he has long gone to wander in the city of ghosts in hell.

(End of this chapter)

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