Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 155 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 155 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (08)
After hearing what the housekeeper said, An Luo knew that Fenghua really had a daughter who lived with his wife in Chenjia Village, but she passed away due to an accident.

"I didn't expect Fenghua to have such an experience." An Luo was skeptical, returned to the sealed place, and asked the tree demon master.

When the tree demon heard this question, his expression was a little dignified: "It's like this. At that time, Fenghua was devastated and committed suicide. I became the host who saw him and took revenge for him. Since then, I have become the strongest in Evil Spirit City. the Spirit Eliminator."

In this way, he should just want to recognize An Luo as his daughter, so as to ease his longing for a daughter, and it is also good for An Luo.

However, the little white cat seems to be more hostile to Fenghua because of this, and he doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

Considering that Lingsi will be removed as an intern tomorrow, An Luo still wants to ask Fenghua to confirm if there are any precautions.

When she arrived at Fenghua's study, she heard Fenghua's voice: "Ziyue, if you persist for a while, father has already found a suitable body for you..."

Ziyue is Fenghua's daughter, so she found the right body, could it be herself?An Luo felt his head buzzing, and couldn't believe that the master tree demon had such an idea.But, is his daughter's soul still there?

She turned around and wanted to go back, but the door of the study opened, and Fenghua came out just in time, bumping into her.

There was a glimmer of cloud in Fenghua's eyes, but he said softly in an instant: "An Luo, it's so late, do you need to find me? Come in and talk!"

An Luo followed him into the study, and before Fenghua could say anything, she said directly: "I heard what you said to Ziyue, is her soul still there?"

Fenghua's face darkened immediately, he drew out his long sword and pointed it at An Luo.

"Hehe, you won't kill me, will you? This body is damaged, what should your daughter do?" An Luo remained calm.

"I'll just find another one. I've been waiting for so long, so I don't mind waiting." After speaking, Fenghua stabbed An Luo with his sword without hesitation.

Why is he so impulsive again?An Luo dodged the sharp sword, quickly moved behind Fenghua, and slapped his right arm with a palm, which made Fenghua's hand numb. He turned around and slashed his sword, but An Luo dodged it again, and kicked him in the back again. on the wrist.

The long sword fell to the ground and was kicked away by An Luo.The fighting strength of the tree demon has always been inferior to An Luo. After all, An Luo is the direct disciple of the Snake King.

Fenghua was so angry that he took out several talismans and chanted the spell, and the talismans flew towards An Luo like flying knives.

An Luo was taken aback, not knowing what kind of operation it was.

At this moment, a small figure flew in from the window and landed in front of An Luo. The talismans that were about to fly to An Luo seemed to hit something, fell to the ground, and turned into ashes.

Only then did An Luo realize that it was the kitten, which seemed to have built a barrier in front of An Luo.

Fenghua was furious, and was about to cast a spell, and the whole room started to vibrate in an instant.Seeing that the situation was not good, An Luo yelled at the cat: "Run!"

But the cat remained motionless, staring at Fenghua, as if wanting to fight him to the death.

Just when An Luo decided to hide for a while, a little girl's voice came out: "Father, stop, or I will disappear immediately!"

Fenghua was stunned, put away the spell, and said to An Luo: "You go! Don't come back!"

An Luo was speechless: "Master, after I leave this plane after a while, I can give this body to your daughter, but it only needs mana to maintain it."

(End of this chapter)

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