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Chapter 164 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 164 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (17)
The senators replied that they had seen thunder, which happened to fall near the castle.

The city lord frowned, his face darkened, and everyone was frightened.

"You saw it, but you didn't come to pay my respects to the city lord? Don't you worry, it's a high-level evil spirit who came to attack the city lord?" asked the city lord.

Several veterans of the Department of Exorcism were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and shivered.

Qi Mei went on to say: "If this city lord pursues the past, it will be stingy. Now that our Evil Spirit City is employing people, this city lord will not punish you for such a trivial matter. You just need to listen to Fenghua's words." .Also, let me tell you, the sky thunder last night was the mana of Miss An Luo, she wiped out hundreds of evil spirits with the wind and thunder, who of you can achieve such a record?"

The elders turned pale with fright.

"It's impossible!"

"Hundreds of evil spirits, even a high-level exorcist can't deal with it."

"How could she do that?"

The city lord waved his hand, and the leader of the city guards, Commander Zuo, took a step forward, described in detail what he saw yesterday, and sent over the 170 spirit stones he collected yesterday: "It was the An Luo girl who used the thunder to get rid of those The evil spirits, and left behind these spirit stones, were collected by us, and now they are returned to their original owners."

It seems that they are not going to grab the spirit stone. An Luo felt a little ashamed, and laughed: "This is useless to me. When the sky thunder was attracted yesterday, I accidentally set the city center garden on fire. Take these spirit stones as compensation!"

The Lord of the Demon City smiled: "Look, how generous is Lord An Luo? You guys, thank you, Lord An Luo!"

"Thank you, Lord An Luo!" the guards said.

An Luo was very moved, as expected, Master Mi Mei was thinking of her, now he personally calls her Master An Luo, who would dare not obey?From now on, everyone must respect her like this.

Don't look at Qi Mei who always looks a little unscrupulous at ordinary times, but in fact she still has a lot of ideas in her heart.

Since everyone has nothing to do, the city lord Qi Mei asked everyone to retire, and everyone returned to their jobs.

But Fenghua didn't leave, and wanted to take a step to talk to Qimei.

"You left my daughter behind yesterday, we must settle this matter." Feng Hua said to Qi Mei.

"What's wrong, you still want to blackmail me?" Qi Mei said angrily.

"It's not about blackmailing you, it's just that my unmarried daughter lives in your castle. How will my daughter meet and marry in the future?" Fenghua explained.

Yan Mei thought for a while: "This matter is easy to handle, just say that my wife left her behind?"

"Your wife?" Fenghua asked, "Don't you have a wife?"

"There will be one in the future. We will have a wedding in a few days, and it will be Qiu Wan."

It was only then that Fenghua suddenly realized that, in fact, most people had already understood when he pulled Qiu Wan to his side, that Master Fenghua was really slow in this regard.

"Don't worry! If you live here with the city lord's wife, no one will gossip, right?" Qi Mei thought for a while, pulled Fenghua aside, and asked softly, "Seeing how nervous you are, could it be that you To her..."

Fenghua's expression changed: "Her body will belong to my daughter in the future, so I must protect her."

"So that's what happened! I said, how can you, a cold dryad, suddenly care about people, hahaha!" Qi Mei laughed so hard that it made people's heart shudder, but then said, "But I still feel that something is wrong, even if it is Daughter, is also the daughter of your original owner, you are too caring, right?"

"If you talk nonsense again, be careful that I won't be polite to you." Feng Hua stared angrily, and grabbed Yao Mei's collar.

Qi Mei hurriedly begged for mercy, saying that she was thinking too much.

An Luo's head ached.

(End of this chapter)

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