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Chapter 166 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 166 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (19)
In the wilderness, hundreds of evil spirits surrounded them from all directions. The team led by An Luo was originally repairing, but felt a crisis at this time.

I don't know why, but evil spirits always seem to appear in a concentrated way recently, and there is an increasing trend.

"Break out!" said a middle-level spiritual master.

"That's impossible." Another person retorted, "Yesterday on Beishan, there was also a team of spirit destroyers wiped out. There are indeed too many evil spirits recently."

"Then it seems that we can only fight." One of them took out a magic talisman and planned to fight these evil spirits.

An Luo took out the Cold Light Spirit Sword and picked up a handful of soil from the ground: "Crazy Earth Formation!"

The wind and sand passed by, and everyone was blown to the ground, not daring to move. An Luo used the wind to absorb the aura of the evil spirits to his heart's content, and at the same time used the soil to get rid of them all.

I don't know if they disappeared or were teleported somewhere. In short, their spirit stones stayed.

This time, these middle-level and junior spirit-eliminating masters witnessed An Luo's feat of one against a hundred. Since then, they dare not say anything more, and they admire An Luo.

However, An Luo's problem is that none of her tricks can be passed on to others. They are all her own physique, and others cannot learn them at all.In this regard, she is not as good as Fenghua. All Fenghua's knowledge can be passed on to her disciples.If his EQ could be higher, he would have no problem winning the "Best Teacher Award" in the demon world.

An Luo said to everyone: "These spirit stones belong to everyone, and everyone can collect them."

"This is just removed by you alone. Can we really collect it?" A junior spiritual master said tremblingly.

"We are all in a team and need to help each other. Without your strong backing, I would not be able to get rid of these evil spirits by myself. We all share the blessings and share the difficulties. Everyone is for me, and I am for you." Everyone." An Luo explained.

These psychic masters are ashamed, deeply feel that at their age, they are not as good as a little girl. She doesn't need any support. It may be no problem to get rid of thousands of evil spirits by themselves, but they have such a sense of teamwork. .

In this way, the team led by An Luo got along very well, even Fenghua felt strange, and finally had to sigh: "Sure enough, I have a problem with my emotional intelligence."

After a period of time, An Luo used the system to extract the aura value he had recently obtained, and found that his aura value was only 10%. From this point of view, it would take dozens of large-scale battles to bring the aura value of this plane up to 100%. [-]%.Or is there any better way?
The only thing Fenghua doesn't know is that the white cat can turn into a beautiful boy, that is, Xuan Yu. If he knows, he will probably be bombarded again.

Encountering Fenghua this time, An Luo finally realized: Being a father is not easy.

It's a pity that Xuan Yu has been going out late at night recently, and won't come back until the next morning.

Early this morning, the white cat wandered back, and An Luo was sitting at the table drinking tea and waiting for it.

"Tell me, do you have a cat outside now that spring is blooming?" An Luo asked him angrily.

The white cat turned into Xuan Yu and took a sip of tea: "Well, there are cats, and there are quite a few!"

An Luo gritted his teeth angrily: "Then you go live with your little wild cats! Don't come back, anyway, you don't need to eat my food."

(End of this chapter)

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