Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 171 The Ghost City Survival Guide End

Chapter 171 The Ghost City Survival Guide (24) End

An Luo saw the evil spirits pouring into the castle of the city lord from a distance, and felt his head buzzing.

"Qiu Wan!"

She didn't expect that the person she was most worried about was Qiu Wan, and she only hoped that Qi Mei could protect her well.

An Luo was on the North Mountain at this time, if he rushed back, the evil spirits would have eaten up everyone in the castle.

Although the distance is a bit far, it is still worth trying. She ordered everyone to use weapons to remove the time-space transfer device immediately. At the same time, she used her magic power to absorb the aura of the evil spirit.

The terrain of Beishan is relatively high, and An Luo didn't expect that he was so powerful that he could receive the aura of evil spirits from such a long distance.

The powerful aura was inhaled by An Luo, and she didn't know if she would be poisoned, but she didn't care about it now. After she absorbed the aura from the location of the castle, she quickly ran back to the castle.

At this time, most of the guards in the castle were dead or injured. If the evil spirits hadn't lost their strength and remained motionless, there would probably be no living people here at this time.

The remaining guards, the spirit masters, are removing these evil spirits.

After another hour, the space-time machine installed by Fenghua has been turned off.The crisis of the castle is temporarily contacted.

An Luo found Qi Mei and Qiu Wan in the main hall of the castle. Fortunately, both of them were fine.At this time, Qi Mei and Feng Hua are dueling.

An Luo didn't want to join the battle between the two masters, but came to Qiu Wan's side to protect her.

The battle between Chi Mei and Feng Hua gradually became intense. At this moment, Xuan Yu appeared and joined forces with Chi Mei to deal a fatal blow to Feng Hua.

Fenghua vomited blood and was dying.

An Luo ran over, helped Fenghua up, and asked him angrily, "Why? Father!"

"Thank you, An Luo." Fenghua said, tremblingly took out a flute from his arms, "My daughter's soul is here, let you handle it." After finishing speaking, Fenghua's soul disappeared, and An Luo Only a dead body without a heartbeat was left in Luo's arms.

"Why." An Luo's tears fell.

Qi Mei patted her on the head: "Why does the tree demon do things? Maybe he wants to do some experiments? Or maybe he doesn't like me. This kind of thing often happens. I was careless this time. He shouldn't have been trusted."

"No, Master Dryad is not such a person." An Luo burst into tears.

"So why are you crying? It's not like I won't see you later." Qi Mei didn't care.

Qiu Wan came over and dragged Qi Mei away, leaving space for Xuan Yu and An Luo.

"Why?" An Luo asked while holding the flute.

A girl's voice came from the flute: "I'm sorry, my father wants to avenge me."


"Yes, he said, it was the city lord who dug and built the castle, which opened the entrance to the world of evil spirits, and eventually killed me and my mother, so he wants the city lord to suffer the consequences."

"So, he wants the whole world to be buried with him?"

"I'm sorry." The girl's soul is also sad, "I know he is not my real father. I should have let go, but I still can't. If I left earlier, maybe father, no, the tree demon you say Your lord may have other choices. I don’t deserve to live again as a human being, thank you, Miss An Luo.” After the girl finished speaking, the whole flute suddenly burned and disappeared.

Xuan Yu patted An Luo's shoulder: "An Luo, now is not the time to be sad, there are still many things we need to do."

An Luo raised his head, and Xuan Yu wiped away the tears on her face: "Now, it's time to really test your strength. You just need to absorb the aura of the evil spirit to your heart's content, and leave the rest to us."

The evil spirits in the city were dealt with by their own spiritual masters. An Luo went to the vicinity of the whirlpool to absorb the spiritual energy. All the evil spirits that had just escaped fainted, and some fell back into the underground world.

What An Luo didn't expect was that Xuan Yu joined forces with other underground seal envoys to form a sealing project and block the vortex in the mountain.

This was an epic battle, and all the evil spirits were wiped out for a whole day and night.

However, it also suffered heavy losses. Most of the entire Evil Spirit City was killed or injured. Fortunately, the city was finally saved.

At the end of the battle, An Luo had absorbed enough aura to leave this plane completely.

In the sealed place, the Dryad was beaten violently by the demon, and he felt wronged: "What the hell! My new memory hasn't arrived yet! I don't even know what I was thinking at the time."

"You almost killed me, caused Xuan Yu to turn into a sealing project, and caused more than half of my city to be killed or injured!"

"If I only knew that he was Xuan Yu, I would have killed him long ago!" The tree demon gritted his teeth and said, "Qi Mei, when did you agree with him? You forgot that we were all caught by him and sealed here ?”

"Do you still miss the days when people were slaughtered in the Ten Thousand Realms?" Yan Mei retorted.

"Hmph! You have been redeemed and saw the light from the darkness, so you think we are the same? You are not worthy to be our king of demon kings now! Besides, I am not afraid to tell you that I just like to destroy everything! There is no one in this world Worthy of my treasure!" The tree demon roared.

"What about An Luo? He trusts you so much, and you don't care?"

The dryad frowned, and said to Qi Mei: "I don't know! What happened in the past is out of my control. Let's talk about the future! As for An Luo, I'm sorry."

"Master Dryad, the past is over, let's look back!" An Luo replied.

Nine-Tails and Snake King watched from the side, each with their own thoughts.

In this plane, An Luo has increased by 27 levels, and the self-destruct has been delayed by 270 years.

Xuanyu's mana recovery reached 15%, memory recovery reached 10%.

(End of this chapter)

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