Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 222 The East and the West are All Enchanting

Chapter 222 The East and the West are All Enchanting (03)
An Luo's injury was indeed serious. On the light-colored Ruqun, it was clearly visible that there were stab wounds at the heart and spleen. Judging from the amount of bleeding, it was already unbearable.

However, in fact, the inside of her body is recovering, and the recovery process is extremely fast but still painful.

"Are you in pain?" Gonghua Zaichuan looked at the fine beads of sweat on her forehead and said to her, "This is for you to relieve the pain." After he finished speaking, he stuffed a pill into An Luo's hands.

An Luo looked at the pill and asked, "What is this?"

Hua Zaichuan whispered in her ear: "Painkillers are necessary for crossing. I bought them in the system mall. They are super high-grade and super expensive."

An Luo is about to cry, why does your system store have everything?
Hua Zaichuan thought she was touched, and said to her: "Don't do this, it's a trivial matter. You should rest quietly first, we will wait here anyway for them to dig a hole to bury someone."

"Why bother digging a hole again? Just use the one I just had, it's ready-made, so you don't have to work hard." An Luo pointed to the hole he climbed out of just now.

Hua Zaichuan couldn't laugh or cry, and said to her: "You reminded me." He hurriedly ordered, "This place is not suitable for burying people, change to another place."

After several Jin Yiwei took orders to leave, An Luo asked him, "Why?"

"Think about it! I don't want to expose the murder for the time being, but the murderer who killed you would like to see your current situation if he has something to do. If he accidentally digs too far, won't our affairs be exposed?" Hua Zaichuan explained .

An Luo nodded: "So that's how it is! Why didn't I think of it, but the master of the factory must be powerful, so why don't you just kill my murderer in advance?"

Hua Zaichuan laughed: "It's very scheming! Tell me, who is the murderer who killed you?"

An Luo hesitated for a moment, and glanced at the few people around Hua Zaichuan.

"It's okay, they are all my cronies and are worthy of trust."

Only then did An Luo tell the truth. At this moment, several people beside him became uneasy, and one of them said to Hua Zaichuan: "Master Governor, why don't you tell Princess Xi about this? It's just right..."

Hua Zaichuan changed his smile towards An Luo, gave that person a stern look, and stopped him: "This matter will be discussed in the future by the governor, and you must also remember not to disclose information."


An Luo didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, but these were not important. Anyway, if she wanted revenge, she didn't have to rely on Hua Zaichuan at all. She just felt that killing that Mr. Xu seemed too cheap for him, let him jump first Talk about it in a few days.

Hua Zaichuan's medicine is indeed effective, it really doesn't hurt so much, and her body recovers faster. When those people buried her back, she has almost recovered.

She took advantage of this time to look in the system mall. There really was such a medicine, but it hadn’t been unlocked yet on her side. She said that her shopping level was not enough. It seemed that she usually bought too little in the mall. .

After everything was cleaned up, the factory owner's men also helped An Luo take pictures of her pit, so that it looked as if nothing had happened.

"Come with me!" Hua Zaichuan took off the black cloak and put it on An Luo.

"Thank you!" An Luo thought he was worried that he would catch a cold, so his heart was still warm, and he felt that Master Qi Mei still loved him.As a result, Meihua Zaichuan continued, "Well, it's better to cover it up. People saw your bloodstains and thought we killed you!"

(End of this chapter)

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