Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 225 The East and the West are All Enchanting

Chapter 225 The East and the West are All Enchanting (06)
This Princess Xi has willow eyebrows and almond eyes, skin that is more snowy than snow, and there is a sense of luxury between the eyebrows and eyes. Although the clothes are ordinary, it can be seen that they are top-quality silk.

An Luo came over to greet her: "Greetings to Princess Xi, my name is Liu Xiaoyu."

"Xiaoyu, hello! Just call me Tingting."

"Tingting, hello!"

A girl next to her whispered to her: "You are too bold, please be polite, princess, and you really call him by his nickname?"

"Thank you for the reminder!" An Luo was still very grateful.

These aristocratic girls are not really annoying, they are really just chasing stars. They called An Luo over to have a drink and chat together, and they forgot the unhappiness just now. It seems that there is a difference between real jealousy and plastic jealousy.

"So Miss Xiaoyu just came to the capital?" Princess Xi asked her.

"That's right! It's only when you arrive in the capital that you realize that there are rich and powerful people everywhere. This is not just a meal. Not only can you see the owner of the factory, but you can also meet the princess and the daughters of several adults' families. It's really an eye-opener." An Luo has now We know that the other three girls are the daughters of ministers in the court.

In fact, it is not new for these aristocratic girls to go out to drink and shop, and their servants are all guarding them.

Among them, Mrs. Qian's daughter asked An Luo: "Miss Xiaoyu, I saw that you spend a lot of money and live in the most upscale inn in the capital. Why do you dress so poorly?"

The daughter of Mr. Zhou who was next to him rushed to say: "What's so strange about this? Miss Xiaoyu came from another place. If she was dressed too well, wouldn't she attract attention? It is the way to save life like this. It was like this when I came over from my hometown with my mother."

An Luo nodded: "Exactly!"

"Then, is Miss Xiaoyu going to some kind of relative?"

"I'm here to join my fiance." An Luo replied.

These girls all smiled like aunts: "I don't know which family is Miss Xiaoyu's fiancé?"

An Luo smiled and said, "The number one scholar in this discipline, Xu Boren."

Their smiles froze, and it took a long time to look at Princess Xi embarrassingly. After seeing Princess Xi's confused expression, Miss Qian glared at An Luo: "Miss Xiaoyu, did you do it on purpose? I think you clearly came here on purpose. Make Princess Xi angry!"

An Luo blinked his big watery eyes, and said innocently and helplessly, "What's wrong? What does this matter have to do with Princess Xi?"

"Don't you know Mr. Xu, the number one scholar, is already engaged to Princess Xi?"

"What, what?" An Luo fainted when he heard this.Yes, please call her Ann Drama Luo at this time.

These girls panicked, and some maidservants rushed over to hold her in the middle of her body. Only then did An Luo wake up, with tears in his eyes, and said to them: "Thank you for telling me about this, here you go!" Sorry for the trouble. Farewell!"

Princess Xi hurriedly asked her: "Miss Xiaoyu, where are you going?"

"In this world, there is always a place I can go, right?"

"You don't want to look for Xu Boren anymore?"

"Since he has a new engagement, then the matter between me and him is over. I wish you happiness!"

Princess Xi stopped her: "How can I do that? This matter must be made clear. Since he has a marriage contract, he should not agree to the marriage contract with me. I will go to my father and explain it to him!"

But those girls persuaded Princess Xi: "Princess, I haven't figured it out yet, maybe she is trying to provoke the relationship between you and the champion."

(End of this chapter)

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