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Chapter 234 The East and the West are All Enchanting

Chapter 234 The East and the West are All Enchanting (15)
Xu Boren was finally driven crazy.

The woman he killed three days ago is now standing in front of him alive, and she has become good friends with King Jing's daughter, Princess Xi, and she came to confront Prince Jing's mansion in person, which scared him to death, and also caused him to lose the soon-to-be-acquired Master Junma. Prosperity and wealth; Then, when looking for the corpse because of unwillingness, he was unlucky and unlucky to dig up the body of Lord Chu, and frightened him half to death again. ;Now this woman came to see his immediate boss again, and he didn't know what they were talking about, and then the governor of the East Factory suddenly brought some evidence that he killed Mr. Chu.

He didn't understand how he, a dignified number one scholar, would be unlucky in a row. This life is full of joys and sorrows, ups and downs, so it's strange if he isn't crazy.

Hua Zaichuan looked at Xu Boren who was going crazy and yelling, and said coldly: "Stop pretending to be crazy, take him away!"

Dongchang Jinyiwei dragged Xu Boren away, and An Luo clearly saw Hua Zaichuan wink at her mysteriously.

It is a well-known truth that if you are caught in Dongchang, you will end up dead.

However, it is said that because Xu Boren was so crazy that there was no way to interrogate him, Dongchang didn't interrogate him and sent him directly to the insane asylum.

This kind of bastard who killed his benefactor's daughter for the sake of glory and wealth can't be overstated in terms of retribution!

But this is all for later. Now Hua Zaichuan is bent on catching someone and convicting him. After all, he killed Master Chu himself. Dongchang is tied up.

Yet it is true.Late last night, Li Mu took a team of Jin Yiwei to find Hua Zaichuan and told him, "Master Chu's body has been found."

Although Hua Zaichuan felt his heart sank, he still pretended to be calm: "Yo, your West Factory is quite efficient, so it could be that you killed Master Chu?"

Li Mu sneered and said, "Don't pretend, I know you killed him, who else would be so cruel except you?"

"There are so many cruel people, who am I?" Hua Zaichuan retorted angrily.

Li Mu felt weird when he heard this. He didn't want to argue with him, but said to Hua Zaichuan: "Actually, it was dug by Mr. Xu Boren, the number one scholar in this discipline. He might want to dig something. , In short, I dug everywhere, and finally dug up Lord Chu's body. He fainted at the time, and left this on the spot. I have already sent someone to throw him at the gate of the city, and the rest is up to you. After finishing speaking, he handed Hua Zaichuan a box, which contained Xu Boren's private seal covered in mud.

Li Mu is Xuan Yu from this plane. Although he has amnesia, he is still a favorite brother and madman, and even has no bottom line compared to before amnesia.

The news spread throughout the capital. With the cooperation of the two owners of Dongxi Factory, the murderer who killed Mr. Chu was finally caught.

It is said that Xu Boren's motive for killing Lord Chu was to snatch a treasure map. Now the treasure map's whereabouts are unknown, and Xu Boren is crazy again, so there is no proof.

Presumably, Hua Zaichuan also wanted to find the treasure map, right?

But this matter has nothing to do with An Luo. After watching the excitement, she went back to continue asking questions.The dryad Master Zuo told her that if she didn't understand, she could come to the Imperial Academy for advice at any time. It would be even better if she was willing to use letters. She could take this opportunity to practice writing and experience.

Two days later, it was an auspicious day, and An Luo came to the new residence, planning to start a leisurely study life.

(End of this chapter)

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