Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 255 Childhood Sweetheart Kindergarten

Chapter 255 Childhood Sweetheart Kindergarten (08)
So, now Ye Jiuyuan's parents have changed from middle class to rich.

"So, you're going to Noble Kindergarten, right? Your family is going to move to a mansion, isn't it?" An Luo asked Ye Jiuyuan after learning the news.

Compared with a year ago, Ye Jiuyuan's progress is very fast. Whether it is sports, intellectual games, or interpersonal communication, he is the best, and he is very popular in kindergarten.

When the children learned that he was leaving, they were all very reluctant. The teacher suggested: "Children, since Ye Jiuyuan is leaving, and everyone is so reluctant, why don't we have a farewell party?"

"Okay~~~" Everyone replied in unison.

After living in kindergarten for a year, An Luo hasn't noticed a time when a child would give a bad answer. They haven't reached the stage of rebellion yet.

Everyone carefully prepared a lot of programs, and An Luo also prepared a simple stage play about little wolf with a few little girls.

"Why don't you come to the show with me?" Ye Jiuyuan asked her during the weekend picnic.

"It's a show to see you off. Of course you are watching the show. If you want to thank everyone, you can perform a show yourself as a thank you." An Luo explained.

"I don't want it, I just want to perform with you!" Ye Jiuyuan cried angrily.

[System prompt: The male god's heartbeat reached 102]

An Luo said in his heart: Why didn't I think of it earlier, making him angry, scaring him, and making him cry can all make his heart beat faster!But it seems that this is not very good, will it affect the mental health of children?
[Friendly reminder from the system: Can't you find a way to make him like you?The kind that makes my heart beat faster when I see you. 】

That kind of thing has to wait until puberty at least, right?An Luo didn't expect this.

The crisis she is facing now is, if Ye Jiuyuan transfers to Ye's Manor and goes to Noble Kindergarten, how should she see him.

At the beginning, because his parents were middle-class, in order to live in a community, he chose parents who were also middle-class.But it is impossible for the parents to change. Although they were purchased from the system, each plane can only be selected once.

What's more, An Luo is really reluctant to part with her current parents, who are super caring and love her very much. Maybe they are the most heart-warming messengers of time and space under the Lord God?

Ye Jiuyuan was crying, and An Luo thought about how to obtain the heartbeat value in the next two years, and after recovering, he patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: "Otherwise, don't leave."

"Why?" Ye Jiuyuan stopped crying and looked up to ask her.

An Luo smiled and said, "Because I miss you! Let's finish kindergarten together, shall we?"

"No!" Ye Jiuyuan wiped away tears.

An Luo was taken aback, and said to himself, I just wanted to say a few words of love to you, my lord, but I was ruthlessly rejected like this?so awkward!
Ye Jiuyuan continued: "I not only want to go to kindergarten with you, but also to go to elementary school kindergarten with you, and then we will get married, just like my parents!"

"Well, at least you have to finish middle school and college, right?"

"What is high school? What is college?"

Well, don't expect to explain things clearly to children who are over four years old. He said yesterday that elementary school is also a kind of kindergarten.

However, An Luo still did not perform with him after all, and she said that she was looking forward to his solo performance.

In the end, Ye Jiuyuan's personal finale performance was to say to the children: "Thank you for seeing me off, but I have decided not to leave this kindergarten. I want to graduate with everyone!"

An Luo didn't expect that he really convinced his parents, bought a mansion nearby, and then came to this civilian kindergarten every day to go to school.

All of a sudden, even the security of the school was upgraded. It is said that the senior security personnel directly deployed from the Ye Group can guarantee the absolute safety of the kindergarten.

(End of this chapter)

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