Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 273 Raiders Overbearing President

Chapter 273 Raiders Overbearing President (01)
An Luo woke up from the cold floor, in a daze, not knowing where he was.She rubbed her eyes, supported herself to get up, and looked around.

This is a hotel, a luxury business suite.

She was wearing a fashionable short skirt, and there was the sound of splashing water in the bathroom.

Could it be that the person in the bathroom is the boyfriend of the original owner?

An Luo had a headache, this kind of time travel had never happened before, and she began to think about how to break up with this boyfriend.

[System prompt: The target of the attack is still Ye Jiuyuan. His highest heart rate when he meets you every day will become your points after conversion. If you don’t meet on the same day, the points for that day will be 0]

The system finally figured out the difference between heart rate and heartbeat.No, this is not the point, the point is who the original owner is.

Original owner: Qiu Ruoyan.

Age: 22 years old.

Identity: Ye Jiuyuan's secretary.

Cause of death: None.She didn't die, but when she left in a panic just now, she scratched the floor with her high heels, and her soul flew away.

Qiu Ruoyan wanted to become Ye Jiuyuan's wife, but failed many times. Today she thought of an excellent method, and everything was ready, but unexpectedly, she left this world suddenly and fell to the floor.

According to her original plan, she should leave here now, and not let the people in the bathroom see herself.

However. . .The bathroom door opened, and a man came out wearing a towel.

Although his figure has become much stronger and his face has grown a bit older, he is still the handsome and charming Ye Jiuyuan.

He wiped his hair, looked at An Luo, and said angrily, "How did you get in?"

An Luo laughed and said as calmly as possible: "Yeclub, don't forget, I reserved this room for you, so it's not surprising that I have the key card for this room!"

"I don't like making jokes like this! You've been fired, go out!" Ye Jiuyuan looked at her warily.

"Nightclub, don't be angry! I really came to you for something, and I opened the door privately because I was in a hurry." An Luo said hurriedly. She picked up a document on the table and said to him, "Today's contract There is a very important issue, if it is not revised immediately, it will affect the signing early tomorrow morning."

Ye Jiuyuan took the contract, read it carefully, signed it, and said to her: "Okay! You can revise it right away! Then go to the HR department tomorrow to go through the resignation procedures."

"Nightclub... I really didn't mean it, please don't fire me."

"Needless to say these are useless." Ye Jiuyuan extinguished the aromatherapy in the room and said to her, "Did you tamper with my aromatherapy? The smell is different from before."

Yes, this is Qiu Ruoyan's trick. Unfortunately, she didn't know that Ye Jiuyuan had a special physique. Not only did she have an excellent sense of smell, but the spices she added had no effect on him at all.

Looking at An Luo who was in a daze, Ye Jiuyuan said, "If you still don't go out, I'll call security."

The more An Luo pondered, the more he felt that something was wrong. Was his reaction a bit over the top? Suddenly, she suddenly realized, and said angrily: "Ye Jiuyuan! Stop pretending to be innocent in front of me! Say, did you recognize me? So deliberately pretending to be such a gentleman?"

Ye Jiuyuan looked at her, couldn't help laughing, walked up to her, and stroked her hair: "No, I've always been a gentleman. But welcome back!"

(End of this chapter)

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