Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 275 Raiders Overbearing President

Chapter 275 Raiders Overbearing President (03)
The signing of the contract was successfully concluded. An Luo took Xiao Zhang to send the boss and several managers of the other company away. After returning to the venue, Xiao Zhang said to Ye Jiuyuan: "I'm sorry, the nightclub, it's because I didn't prepare well. Fortunately, Miss Qiu Be there in time."

"It's okay, you just need to accumulate more experience." Ye Jiuyuan smiled kindly, "When you return to the company, you and Qiu Ruoyan will hand over, and you will officially serve as my secretary in the future."

"Huh? What about Miss Qiu?"

"Today's such an important meeting, she is late, she must be dismissed!"

Xiao Zhang covered his mouth in surprise to prevent himself from yelling out in fright.

An Luo was a little angry, and said to Ye Jiuyuan, "Nightclub!"

"It's getting late, we should go back, you guys go back to the room to hand over now. Xiao Zhang, don't let her take away any documents of the company, understand?"

"Understood!" Xiao Zhang gave An Luo a timid look, "Sister Qiu, let's go."

Usually, Qiu Ruoyan is very fierce towards Xiao Zhang, so Xiao Zhang is a little scared.

It's impossible for An Luo to argue with him here. After all, as a secretary, he is indeed late, so if he dismisses him, he will dismiss him, right?The original owner should indeed be punished for what he did.

She returned to the hotel room, handed over all the documents to Xiao Zhang, and then packed up her personal belongings and prepared to leave.

Although it has been handed over, she hasn't gone through the resignation procedures after all, so she still takes the nightclub's private jet back to City S with others.

All the way without a word, An Luo went to the personnel department to go through the resignation procedures. Before leaving, he heard someone say: "I didn't expect that she would have today?"

"The nightclub must have seen her scheming."

"That's right, the person who is usually arrogant towards us has another face in front of the nightclub, he deserves it!"

An Luo knew that Qiu Ruoyan was indeed such a person, who was mean to her subordinates, flattered her leaders, and wanted to climb the ladder.

But, who wouldn't?This is a workplace, not a play house. Is it wrong to want to climb up?Is it wrong to want to marry Ye Jiuyuan?If she was wrong, it was because she shouldn't have used improper means.

Thinking of this, An Luo felt a little sad for the original owner, and he could only say one thing, don't go astray.

However, it is she who should be sad now, right?

I was fired from the company, what should I do next?It felt like Ye Jiuyuan had forgotten her all of a sudden.

I have seen him today, with a maximum heart rate of 85, which is considered to have completed today's task, so An Luo did not go to him again, let's talk about it tomorrow if there is anything to do.Now I feel so sad that I have to go back and take a rest.

Damn it, Ye Jiuyuan was responsible for this, but he was also to blame for his imprudence, so he easily believed the man's rhetoric.

She went back to the rented apartment, took a shower, slept, and only remembered to turn on her phone when she woke up.

Not long after, I received a call from Qiu Ruoyan's mother.

"Ruoyan, what's the matter with you? Why haven't you answered the phone?"

"Um, are you too busy today?"

"What are you busy with? Mom asks you, did the method I taught you yesterday succeed?"

Yes, that's right, the method Qiu Ruoyan wanted to use yesterday was taught to her by her mother.

"No, no."

"Why are you so useless?" Her mother said angrily, "You finally had a chance to go on a business trip together, but you didn't make good use of it! I think you just don't have the skills. If you have the skills, you can succeed without these things! "

"Mom, what are you talking about? Feelings can't be forced."

"Emotion? What emotion?" Mom said angrily, "Mom told you, after passing this village, there will be no such shop. You must find a way to deal with the nightclub. Even if he refuses to marry you, he will definitely give it to you." Several million as compensation!"

(End of this chapter)

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