Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 277 Raiders Overbearing President

Chapter 277 Raiders Overbearing President (05)
After dinner, Ye Jiuyuan sent An Luo home.

An Luo poured him some tea and asked him, "Is it too much for you to fire me in front of others today?"

"Yes! But, can I explain?" Ye Jiuyuan asked her.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance."

"First of all, your original owner's behavior yesterday was too much, right? Do you think I can keep such a person? Of course I can't; secondly, you are indeed late. If I don't fire you, future employees We will all be rambling; and finally, and of course above all else, you will soon be my wife, and no longer my secretary."

"The problem is, everyone will find out tomorrow that I became the president's wife after I was fired. Wouldn't it affect morale?"

"That's a problem!" Ye Jiuyuan thought for a while, "Then don't make it public, and wait until this matter fades away, and then make it public?"

An Luo chuckled: "What a good idea! I'm afraid you have already thought about it? You wanted to marry secretly from the very beginning, right?"

"What about you? Do you agree?"

An Luo thought about Qiu Ruoyan's parents and younger brother, and nodded: "Okay! Hidden marriage! I agree." She doesn't want to let herself be their bargaining chip to make money, so just hide it!

Early the next morning, An Luo and Ye Jiuyuan received their marriage certificate together, and she herself moved to Ye Jiuyuan's residence, which was still the mansion before.

"Actually, I haven't lived here these past few years, but moved to a newly bought apartment near the company. Let's treat this as our home for the time being. If you like any new place, just buy it." Ye Jiu Yuan said, and gave An Luo a card, "You don't need to discuss it with me."

Thus, An Luo began his postgraduate entrance examination life here.

At least, the heartbeat task is nothing to her. Every day, Ye Jiuyuan can reach a heart rate of 120, which can be regarded as a successful completion of the day's task.

However, she still couldn't ignore Qiu Ruoyan's house.

Qiu's mother called her angrily again, and scolded An Luo in all kinds of ugly and vicious words.

An Luo can somewhat understand why she scolds her daughter so much, but her daughter is still willing to pay for the family.Probably in exchange for a smile from the parents, a good word, right?This is the rhythm that is really going to drive people crazy.

But she still didn't understand why her younger brother had to ask her for the money to marry his wife, as if she couldn't earn the money and was a heinous villain.Her mother even gave her a lot of weird ideas for making quick money, and An Luo was so angry that she said, "Why don't you make it yourself?"

"If I were 20 years younger, I wouldn't need you!"

An Luo felt angry. She suspected that Qiu Ruoyan left this world because she had no love in her life. I hope she can find someone who truly loves her in other worlds!

Now what to do with her family?It's very simple to give money, but you can't let them rely on you like this for the rest of your life, can you?After all, my younger brother is only 20 years old, has he started to take care of the elderly?

He has to find a way to make him fight on his own!
At night, An Luo tossed and turned over this matter and couldn't fall asleep. Ye Jiuyuan turned on the bedside lamp and asked, "What's wrong with you? Insomnia?"

"No! I have something on my mind, don't bother me."

"Tell me something on your mind! Why do you keep it in your heart?"

An Luo felt that it seemed reasonable, after all, they were a couple, and everything should be negotiated.

(End of this chapter)

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