Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 279 Raiders Overbearing President

Chapter 279 Raiders Overbearing President (07)
This luxury car attracted the attention of the whole village. Qiu Ruoyan's younger brother circled the car several times and said to Ye Jiuyuan, "Brother, is this the car you came?"

Ye Jiuyuan ignored him and went into Qiu Ruoyan's house.

The old couple of the Qiu family have already seen it, but after all, Jiang is still old and spicy. Mr. Qiu cleared his throat and said, "Don't think that renting a car can trick my daughter away. No house, no bride price, nothing to talk about. .”

Ye Jiuyuan sat down, put a strange little suitcase in his hand on the table, and said to Mr. Qiu, "Do you always open it?"

Mr. Qiu opened the small suitcase suspiciously and took a look. Slowly, the cash in the suitcase should be several million.He took a few steps back in fright, sat on the ground, and said tremblingly, "You... Where did you get so much money?"

Qiu's mother and Qiu Dongdong also hurried over to check, and checked all the money to make sure it was real.

"Have you seen enough?" Ye Jiuyuan asked.

The three of them didn't want to let go, but Ye Jiuyuan was so imposing, they reluctantly took their hands away from the suitcase afterwards.

Ye Jiuyuan buckled the suitcase and said to them: "I have plenty of money, but I don't lack women. Your Qiu Ruoyan is a good girl, but beside me, there is a girl who is younger, prettier and smarter than her." There are too many to count. Do you know why this young master values ​​her?"

Mother Qiu shook her head, too nervous to breathe.

Ye Jiuyuan went on to say: "What I value is her simplicity and her true love for me. I know that she is not with me for money."

An Luo knew that he had already turned on the nonsense mode, and she didn't believe what she said, even though she and Ye Jiuyuan were really not together for money.But when it comes to simplicity and sincerity, she really doesn't have these two things.

She really wanted to laugh now, but she had to hold it back, so she hid silently in the corner and gave up the stage to Ye Jiuyuan to show alone.

Ye Jiuyuan went on to say: "At least I thought so before I came to your house. But yesterday, your performance made me completely sober. Is there any woman in this world who doesn't love money? Hmph! It's not for you, your precious daughter, keep it for yourself, wait for the rich to marry!" After finishing speaking, he picked up his suitcase and was about to leave.

The two elders of the Qiu family were dumbfounded, but they still stopped Ye Jiuyuan, and Qiu's mother said with a smile on her face, "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. In fact, we are also afraid that our daughter will be deceived and suffer hardship. It is not for money at all. "

After talking for a long time, Ye Jiuyuan came back and sat down, and then said: "Okay, since you are afraid of her suffering, I can understand this feeling. However, I still say that, a woman who needs money in exchange, my young master It’s not rare at all! I just want pure love, so with Ruoyan, we never talk about money, and she never asks me for money, and I hope it will be the same in the future.”

"That's that, love, it has to be pure, and it can't be mixed with other things, or it will deteriorate." Qiu's mother is pretty good at talking.

"Very good! You just need to understand! I don't want the embarrassing situation like yesterday to happen again, remember?" Ye Jiuyuan glanced at them, and everyone nodded nervously.

Only then did Ye Jiuyuan put down the suitcase again, and said to them: "The money is used to invest and build a factory here on your side. I hope that Qiudongdong can support himself from now on, work hard, and earn money to support himself. I want to rely on my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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