Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 282 Raiders Overbearing President

Chapter 282 Raiders Overbearing President (10)
Xiao Chun was stunned on the spot: "Boss Yan?"

"I'm really sorry, because I always feel old-fashioned when I'm called Mr. Qiu, so I let everyone call me Mr. Yan." An Luo said with a smile, "Yes, I am the boss of this small company."

Embarrassed, Xiaochun said to An Luo, "You can do it! Are you starting your own business and becoming your own boss so soon?"

"Let's work hard while you're young, it's nothing." An Luo felt that he should wear sunglasses and a gold necklace to suit the current atmosphere.

At this time, the company next door also came, and Xiao Chun left in a hurry.

The whole day's work is quite busy, but she still returns home normally at meal time.

Ye Jiuyuan had also arrived home, and the butler said to her, "Young Madam, it's time for dinner, please have dinner."

"Thank you!" After An Luo took his seat, the butler opened the plate and said, "Today's dinner is French-style pan-fried cod, which was airlifted from overseas today, please young master and young lady to taste."

An Luo picked up the knife and fork, took a bite, and felt something was wrong. He hurried to the bathroom and felt nauseated for a long time before he recovered.

Ye Jiuyuan had followed her earlier and asked her, "Are you okay? Go to the hospital."

"It's okay, maybe I'm too tired these days, or the work pressure is too much?"

"Why are you under so much pressure? Why don't you spend so much money at home?"

"Money is not a problem. I have enough. The problem is that I still want to start a business successfully!" An Luo explained.

"You are really stubborn." Ye Jiuyuan said, "Let's go, let's go to the hospital and rest assured."

An Luo did feel a little uncomfortable these days, and sometimes dizzy, so it's good to go and have a look.

The Ye family runs a national chain of private hospitals, and there is one in S city, and it is a central hospital, very famous.

After the examination, the doctor at the hospital said with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, Mr. Ye, Mrs. Ye, you are going to be parents."

An Luo fainted at that time.

When she woke up, she was on the hospital bed, and Ye Jiuyuan was already asleep beside her.When she moved a little, Ye Jiuyuan woke up and asked her, "How are you?"

"It's okay. What happened to me just now?"

"The doctor said that you are a little anemic. This is a normal reaction in early pregnancy. It's okay." Ye Jiuyuan poured her a glass of water, handed it to her and said, "I didn't tell my family about this. I know you don't like children , so everything is up to you."

In some planes that she has experienced before, An Luo also had the experience of marrying Xuan Yu several times, but she always insisted on Dink.Even in ancient times and the underwater world, she insisted on finding the right medicine to keep her from conceiving a child.At that time, the main reason was that the environment was too harsh, and she really didn't want her children to live in such an environment.

"This time is different," she said. "Although I am a little scared, I am willing to keep the child."

"Really?" Ye Jiuyuan showed a look of joy, "No, you don't have to force anything for me, I'm actually willing to wait until I return to our world..."

An Luo gently covered his mouth and said to him, "It's okay, I've made up my mind."

The next day, Ye Jiuyuan took An Luo back to Ye Mansion. Although he said that it could not be made public now, the family still wanted to inform him.

Mrs. Ye was very happy. She even prepared a gift, which was another expensive jewelry.

(End of this chapter)

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