Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 284 Raiders Overbearing President

Chapter 284 Raiders Overbearing President (12)
After chatting at Ye's house for a while, An Luo and Ye Jiuyuan went home together.

After taking a bath, An Luo lay down to rest, while Ye Jiuyuan was still dealing with work matters.

She boredly looked at the circle of friends on WeChat, and said that she had never read it, because she was not used to using this thing, and besides, it was actually Qiu Ruoyan's privacy.

However, today happened to be in a good mood, so she opened it to take a look.

Unexpectedly, this Qiu Ruoyan has quite a lot of friends, and there are quite a few people who like her the selfies she posted before.

Many friends on WeChat also greeted her, but An Luo didn't reply.

In her view, these are invalid social interactions, nothing more than going out to buy shopping together, or chatting about gossip and discussing men, which is meaningless.

The strange thing is that Ye Jiuyuan even posted a circle of friends with a picture of a selfie and the text: "I want to drink today, who will accompany me?"

Almost all mutual friends of the two of them liked it, and I don't know how many people in Ye Jiuyuan's circle of friends liked or commented.

At the same time, several girls replied: "Master Ye, where are you now?"

Ye Jiuyuan seldom posts Moments, almost never posts Moments, what does this mean today?Do you really have other ideas?
An Luo was a little unhappy, left the bedroom and went to Ye Jiuyuan's study.

"Huh? It's so late, why don't you sleep well?" Ye Jiuyuan raised his head and asked her, "Are you hungry? Shall I cook something for you?"

"I'll drink with you!" An Luo said with a smile.

"Don't make trouble, how can you drink with your current body? You can't drink even a drop!" Ye Jiuyuan said sternly.

"Oh, I get it, so you just ask other people to drink, right? Why don't you leave? Or do you want to invite someone to your house for a drink? Do you need me to avoid it?" An Luo asked him with a sneer.

Ye Jiuyuan frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"Stop pretending! Did you forget to block me when you posted on Moments?" She said, and glanced at Ye Jiuyuan's Moments, "Are there other Moments that block me? Show me your phone Look!"

Ye Jiuyuan sighed, and said calmly, "I left my phone at home."


"Jiu Ming must be angry with me today, so I opened Moments on my mobile phone, hoping he won't do too many outrageous things! No, I have to call him!"

Ye Jiuming answered the phone and threatened him: "Then you are not allowed to talk about me anymore. If you don't agree, I will invite some girls to your house right now!"

"Okay! I promise I won't criticize you in the future, can you give me the phone back now?"

"OK then!"

Not long after, Ye Jiuming returned with his mobile phone.Ye Jiuyuan took a look. Except for the circle of friends, he didn't do anything else, he just chatted with a few girls.

Ye Jiuyuan smiled, deleted this circle of friends, and beat Jiu Ming severely.

"Brother, don't slap your face!"

"Do not worry!"

After being beaten, Ye Jiuming stood up and said with a smile, "Brother still hurts me, and he didn't do his best!"

Ye Jiuyuan said to him: "It's good that you know, you are acting like a monster, do you want to see your sister-in-law use the wrath of the thunder?"

Jiuming shook his head in horror: "Brother, I was wrong!"

"Now that she is pregnant, others can calculate the time of the child's birth in the future. I was still posting such Moments during her pregnancy. Do you think my reputation will be affected?"

"You! You just care too much about these things!"

(End of this chapter)

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