Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 321 Let go of this Milady

Chapter 321 Let go of this Milady (03)
A trace of gloom passed over d'Artagnan's handsome face, and he said with a little sadness: "Beautiful Constance, what's wrong with you? Yesterday you said you liked me very much, why did you say such things today? Can't you see my sincerity for you?"

I really didn't expect, has it progressed to the stage of confession?
An Luo had no choice but to say to him: "I'm sorry, I was not mature enough yesterday."

D'Artagnan left sadly. This must be a very big ups and downs on his love road, right?

However, after only two steps, he came back again.

While backing away, he was fighting with the two assassins, soaring and jumping, his swordsmanship was dazzling.

An Luo is also a battle-tested man, but he still admires his swordsmanship.

What a rare talent, no wonder he is the protagonist of this book.The question is where did these two assassins come from?
Without any suspense, the two assassins were defeated by d'Artagnan's protagonist. He asked one of them who sent him, but the man killed himself.

An Luo feels that the plot is a bit broken, what kind of power is this?Why didn't you know it before?It seems that it is not a complete plot of the three musketeers!
D'Artagnan said to An Luo: "I understand, you must be in danger, so you want me to leave quickly, right? You love me so much, I am so touched!"

"I..." An Luo was powerless to refute, and before she could refute, D'Artagnan had rushed to the window and whistled, and soon, a team of Musketeers came to deal with the matter.

An Luo still expressed his gratitude to D'Artagnan, after all, one should not go too far, he saved her after all.

But thinking about it carefully, An Luo felt that he was too straightforward. In this situation, Constance's favor to d'Artagnan is actually for the queen, right?It's not because you like him at all, is it?Thinking of it this way, An Luo felt a little more comfortable and balanced mentally.

Only now did she figure out the current time. DArtagnan had just joined the Musketeers, and the Queen and the Earl hadn't formally dated yet. Should yesterday's letter be about a date?

However, the royal palace will hold a grand ball first to welcome the Earl and his party. It will be very lively then, right?

An Luo felt that he should take good care of the queen, after all, that was the person Constance was protecting with his life.

So An Luo smiled awkwardly at d'Artagnan, and told him that he didn't know why, and there were many dangers around him.

D'Artagnan was also a simple young man. Under An Luo's Bailian's offensive of showing weakness, he was naturally powerless to fight back and could only allow himself to fall.

But An Luo knew that this kid's feeling for Constance was not as good as he was for Milady, so that was really unforgettable!He even did not hesitate to pretend to be another person to deceive Milady.

Thinking about it carefully, the most distressing thing is actually Milady.

If possible, An Luo hoped that he could redeem her.

So here comes the problem, I and she belong to two factions, such a dangerous idea will make me cannon fodder, right?
What a hassle.

However, if d'Artagnan pretends to be Earl Valdes and goes on a date with Milady in the future, she will expose him without hesitation, hum!This big pig's trotter!

The other three people also came to inquire about the situation. Apart from others, An Luo felt that Aramis was so beautiful and dazzling. No wonder he was the favorite musketeer of the ladies in the city. He got countless love letters every day. Didn't even have time to reply.

(End of this chapter)

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