Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 327 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 327 Let go of that Milady (09)
The matter was not in a hurry, but the king claimed that there would be another ball in seven days and asked the queen to wear this necklace.

An Luo originally thought it would be okay if he didn't lose the most valuable necklace, but the result was still the same. It seems that the information the king received was very accurate, and he could even clarify which necklace was lost, so this explains two problems:

First: the king suspects the relationship between the queen and the duke;
Second: The very important person around the king knows everything. This person is undoubtedly Richelieu, and only he can influence the king's thoughts.

Third: Milady and Richelieu are conspiring.

Of course, the original plot is like this, which is not surprising.

However, according to the original plot, Richelieu went back to hunt down D'Artagnan and the others, will he do it now?

Before setting off for England, Anro went to see Richelieu in person.

Richelieu stayed in his palace without wearing a mask. Seeing An Luo come in, he asked all the attendants to retreat, walked up to her, and said to her: "Lovely and beautiful Constance, we met yesterday. , you miss me so soon?"

He lowered his head to kiss her, but was pushed away by An Luo: "You and Milady conspired about the necklace, right?"

"Yeah, isn't this an inherent plot? What's so strange?" Richelieu asked.

He made sense, but An Luo still asked him: "Will you send someone to hunt down D'Artagnan and the others?"

"Yes! Otherwise, why would they be famous in history? Could it be that they won the victory without difficulty? What's the point of that?"

"But... so you are a bad person!"

"If you are in his position to seek his own government, why do you care about these things? If it has nothing to do with your mission, don't get involved as soon as possible." Richelieu said arrogantly.

An Luo frowned, turned around and was about to leave, but was grabbed by Richelieu into his arms: "Are you going to find the Duke for a necklace with those reckless guys?"

"Well, that's all I can do now."

"Let them go by themselves! I can guarantee that I will not send an elite team." Richelieu stroked her hair and said softly, "If you must go with me, then I will send the most powerful team under me. "


"Don't think that I don't know the relationship between you and d'Artagnan. If I know that he is too close to you, I will not let him go." Richelieu said.

An Luo shook his head: "That's impossible, my task this time is to marry d'Artagnan."

"Don't lie to me, with the relationship between the Lord God and me, it is impossible for him to set such a task for my beloved woman, and it is unnecessary."

"What's your friendship?"

"I can't remember." Xuan Yu Richelieu thought for a while, but still shook his head, "Of course, if you fell in love with that cute young man, that's a different story."

"Well, what if I fell in love with him?"

"Then I'll stop your thoughts now! Be mine, and you won't think about other people anymore." He said in An Luo's ear.

An Luo pushed him away: "Don't make trouble! I finally came to a fun world, so I can't be your canary! Let me see your elite team!"

After speaking, An Luo left Richelieu's palace.

Richelieu shook his head, ordered Rochefort to be found, and ordered him to secretly follow and protect D'Artagnan and the others.

Rochefort took the order to leave, but he would not do so because he had enmity with Athos and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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