Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 333 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 333 Let go of that Milady (15)
After a short rest, Milady arranged a route for everyone to escape back to country F, but she didn't go back with her, saying that she still had other important things to do.

On the boat back, Aramis said to An Luo mysteriously, "You don't really want us to kill Richelieu, do you?"

"I would rather, are you willing?" An Luo looked at Aramis and laughed.

"Just kidding, why am I reluctant? I think you are the one who is reluctant? Besides, I know that he is not a heinous person at all. Speaking of which, our country F depends on it now. After all, the king is still a child." Aramis said .

An Luo nodded: "That's right, I understand. I just can't see Ados."

"Actually, this is what I want to tell you. If you don't like it, don't talk too much. In fact, Ados is also a very good person. He is my friend, and I know him very well. He is actually very entangled in his heart. , and it depends on the merits of the person." Aramis said to her.

An Luo agreed, and Aramis continued: "And that child d'Artagnan, I think you really scared him. A few days ago, you were a weak girl who needed protection. You can do it now." Fighting with him, I think he has put you in the friend zone, it's over between you two."

"Oh, that's such a pity." An Luo laughed.

Aramis pushed An Luo's forehead and returned to the cabin.

An Luo rubbed his painful forehead, still worried.Logically speaking, Master Kyuubi would not lie to her, but there are exceptions to everything. I have been tricked by the masters for such a long time. It is obvious that in their hearts, completing the task is more important than anything else.

However, it was obviously impossible to go back to the Duke, so I had to go to Richelieu to confirm.

Early the next morning, when he finally arrived in country F, Ados was still in a bad mood and didn't want to pay any attention to An Luo.D'Artagnan was also dejected, and the way he looked at Anro, as Aramis said, lost that sweetness.

None of this matters.

Only Porthos and Aramis' attitude towards An Luo is normal. An Luo had no choice but to say to Aramis: "In this case, I will go to Richelieu!"

"Okay! Maybe this is a good way." Aramis said, "However, if you go to deal with him, isn't that crushing your strength? I feel now that my brother's heart is full of you, and he will listen to whatever you say." After all, Xuan Yu Richelieu is actually the elder brother of Mi Mei Aramis.

"Hmph!" An Luo sneered, "Then how do you explain the Rochefort team he sent, and why didn't he tell me that day?"

"For the plot? You are so strong, he doesn't have to worry about you getting hurt."

"Why do you like talking to him so much now?" An Luo asked Aramis suspiciously.

"I don't know, maybe it means blood is thicker than water?"

An Luo sighed helplessly, and went to Richelieu with Ados and others. After all, this matter was no longer hers alone. Everyone had been played around and had to ask for an explanation.

In Richelieu's palace, he looked at the crowd and said calmly: "I didn't send anyone to hunt you down. My order to Rochefort is to protect you.

Of course everyone didn't believe it, but An Luo felt that he was not lying.Richelieu called Rochefort to inquire about the situation, but it was obvious that Rochefort insisted that it was the order left by Richelieu.

(End of this chapter)

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