Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 336 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 336 Let go of that Milady (18)
Now there are two days before the dance, An Luo simply put the jewelry in his space backpack, so as not to be stolen again.

The queen seemed to be in a much better mood, and she said to An Luo: "It would be a good thing if the Duke showed his true attitude."

"Why?" An Luo asked incomprehensibly.

"I've actually had enough. He interrupted my life again and again."

An Luo didn't expect that the queen would say these words to her suddenly. She believed in the charm of her goddess a little bit, probably because she was very friendly?The queen can be made to speak these truths to her.

After hearing the queen's complaints, An Luo finally understood.

Back then, the queen was still young, so she was bewitched by the duke's rhetoric. It just so happened that the king of Country F was extremely emotionally dull. Although he had a romantic gene, he couldn't do anything that would make the queen feel romantic. On the contrary, the duke always Words are so sweet.

However, as she grew older, the queen gradually saw the conspiracy between the lines of the Duke, so the last letter was her reminding the Duke not to contact her anymore, which was equivalent to a letter of resoluteness.

The duke's feedback is as gorgeous as ever, sweet and without emotion, he seems to not care about the queen's troubles at all, but just blindly reflects his hypocritical affection.

What made the queen most angry was what the Duke said when they met last time, what an unforgettable night, it really broke her down.

Isn't this something out of nothing, deliberately damaging her reputation?
Of course, these things were all figured out by her in the past few days.It can be said that the necklace incident this time made the Queen seriously reflect on everything she has now.

All of this seems to be taken for granted, but also so illusory, just such a small matter, it seems that everything can be destroyed.

So the queen decided that she would not do this kind of risky thing again, and she should cherish everything she has now.

Only then did An Luo feel relieved, at least the queen would not let her send letters to the Duke again.At the same time, she also felt sorry for the real Constance. Unfortunately, if she insisted on the last time, she should be safe, right?
No, according to the original plot, she should have died at the hands of Milady in the end.

Well, there is no need to consider the original plot now. In the original plot, Constance had a husband, but now she is clearly a girl, so we should refer to the movie version, right?
So what's next?What about the rest of life not shown in the movie?Is it still according to the timeline in the book?
Then the Lord in Red sent Milady to assassinate the Duke, and then Milady was caught and confused the guards. As a result, the guards not only released her, but also killed the Duke. Finally, Miledy was executed by Athos and the others. ?
These things have nothing to do with her for the time being, she is only responsible for protecting the jewelry. Of course, if they want to hurt Milady, she will definitely not agree.

Finally came the day of the ball, and everything went very smoothly. The queen wore gorgeous jewelry and attended the ball. The king finally believed in the queen's loyalty and was in a good mood.

An Luo felt that there might be a little prince born in this country, right?

The days that followed were quite leisurely. An Luo spent most of his time by the queen's side, and he was familiar with a lot of court etiquette, and also knew a lot of court secrets that he didn't know before.

The only thing she was worried about was the Duke's sudden attack, but many days passed, and the news of the Duke's death came.

(End of this chapter)

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