Chapter 352
Master Chu is the tree demon of this plane, and An Luo has been in contact with him for a while, and has also helped him in managing the shop of his late husband, King Xuan.

The dryad has a very high IQ, but his EQ is extremely low, and he is not very flexible in many cases, so he is like a thorn in the side of the nobles in the capital.But he is extremely capable and has repeatedly solved strange cases, so he is highly appreciated by the Holy One. No matter how much dissatisfaction other people have, they can only hold back.

After An Luo arrested those two people just now, she immediately sent her confidants to inform Master Chu. Because she was worried that it would not be safe, she also sent a carrier pigeon at the same time, planning to wait a while to ask Master Chu. Did that confidant find him?

However, Master Chu can actually come in this deep house?The old prince decided to deal with him personally, probably because he wanted to tell him that everything was a misunderstanding and nothing happened at all.

"Come here! Imprison Princess Xuan, no one is allowed to let her go without my king's order! Also, dispose of these two corpses!" the old prince ordered.

At this time, a loud voice came: "What corpse? Show me!"

An Luo felt that Bao Qingtian's BGM should be added at this time, which is suitable for the current scene.

It's Master Chu, who made his debut.

After he entered the door just now, he directly asked An Luo's residence, and then led the guards here directly.

"Master Chu! It's really too much for you to break into Prince Shun's mansion in the middle of the night! Believe it or not, this king told the Holy One about this matter?" the old prince said angrily.

This old prince is the uncle of the current emperor, and he was granted the title of King Shun. His three sons are King Luo, King Jing and King Xuan.However, only King Xuan was awarded the title for his military exploits, and he was also given an independent house by the emperor, while the other two princes were just titles, and even their real salaries were very meager.

Master Chu said sternly: "This matter, I will naturally inform the Holy Majesty, so the prince will not be worried. Come, check the corpse! Make a record."

Several guards and Wu worked separately, questioned the stunned maid, and investigated the death of the two corpses.

Of course, he didn't forget to ask An Luo, after all, she was the one who arrested them.

All the problems were investigated, and it was already the next morning. Because the two committed suicide by biting their tongues, it had nothing to do with An Luo. After they investigated clearly, they took the body back and said they wanted to find out who it was. sent them.

An Luo didn't know what they could find out. The reason why he told Lord Chu was that he didn't want such a dark thing to happen, and also gave a deterrent to those who wanted to harm her.

After the investigation, she said to Lord Shun and Princess Shun: "My lord, my lord, I'm going back to live in Prince Xuan's Mansion. I should live there too."

"How can I do that, you will spread gossip by yourself." Princess Shun wanted to stop her angrily.

"I'm not afraid of the slanting shadow, and even if I live here, there will be gossip?" An Luo retorted, "I will come back from time to time to visit the two elders and do my filial piety to the two elders."

Prince Shun was very angry, and shouted loudly: "Come here, imprison Princess Xuan for me, and tell the outside world that Princess Xuan misses her dead husband too much, and she has gone crazy."

They really have a way.

However, when these servants rushed over, An Luo was very happy, and finally had a chance to flex his muscles.

(End of this chapter)

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