Chapter 357
In fact, there is another most important way to make money in this beauty pageant, and that is to sell tickets.

Although it is said that the game is held in the square in front of the palace, everyone can enter and exit for free, but good seats must be reserved, and chairs will be placed and numbered. Depending on the position of these chairs, there will be different numbers. price.Of course, the best positions are reserved for the Holy Majesty and the Empress Dowager.

As for the other common people, they can do whatever they want, as long as they don't rush past the defense of the Holy Master's personal guards and just watch the game honestly.

Some conservative aristocratic families forbid their daughters to participate in such beauty contests in public, but thinking that the Holy Majesty and the Queen Mother will also come to watch the competition, they all feel that this is a good opportunity.

On the contrary, An Luo felt that there was no need to be so nervous. With the makeup of girls in this era, to be able to recognize who is who is definitely the piercing eyes of the Monkey King.

The girls who came to participate in the competition are all cardamom years, beautiful, and they all look like fashion icons.The forehead is pasted with flowers of different colors, materials and shapes, the temples are painted with creative oblique red, the dimples are dotted with carefully drawn dimples, and the eyebrows are carefully trimmed, and it looks like they have been instructed by an expert.

After reading these, An Luo felt that this competition was too worthwhile. If this kind of competition were not held, how could it be possible to see so many novel makeup looks at the same time!It seems that girls in this world are very creative and love to show themselves.

An Luo's makeup is relatively simple. After all, she is now the widow of Prince Xuan, and she cannot wear festive colors, gray or white. As for flowers, smiles, etc., it is impossible to put them on.

Neither Tianhou nor Shengshang participated in the review. They thought that if they participated in the review, others would be afraid. Who would dare to refute them?At that time, the atmosphere at the scene must be very awkward, so the two of them just want to eat melons and watch the show, regardless of anything, and they can leave whenever they want.

Besides, if the Holy Majesty falls in love with someone, is there still a need for a competition?Just take it back to the palace and it's OK.

In the beginning, it was the audition. In this round, as long as the judges think it is okay, they can participate in the official competition. Moreover, the competition not only has temperament display, but also has etiquette and question-and-answer sessions.

In general, there is not much difference from the draft in the palace.If there is a difference, then this time there will be an anonymous voting session by the audience. Not only those who are sitting at the scene can vote, but also those who stand and see from a distance can vote, but it must be guaranteed that each person has one vote.

Among other things, after watching this audition, the tickets for the follow-up competitions were sold out in an instant, and those who snatched these tickets were either rich or expensive, spending money like running water, even if the tickets were too expensive No, they don't even blink their eyes.So, if you don't make their money, whose money can you make?
But because there were so many people who wanted to buy tickets, An Luo temporarily decided to sell these tickets by auction.

When it came time to settle the admission ticket income, An Luo was surprised to find that there were more sponsorships than those shops.

"No wonder you insist on playing some kind of competition. I think you have discovered a great way to make money?" An Luo checked the accounts and said to King Pingyang.

King Pingyang retorted: "Nonsense, how could I do it for money, I really do it for my own love."

"Oh, really? Then I won't share it with you."

"My good sister, don't make trouble. We can't go back on what we agreed on." Pingyang Wang said with a smile.

The competition went very smoothly, but it was a pity that he did not meet the person that King Pingyang was looking for.

(End of this chapter)

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