Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 372 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 372 Sister Daji Covers Me (02)
Empress Shiji said to her: "Teacher, don't say that. He is still a child. His father and I are best friends. How can the big bully the small?"

"His father didn't care about him, and left him here to be punished by you. Why do you care about this?" An Luo asked.

This Li Jing was always like this, his son made a mistake, and he never dared to say that he should bear it for his son, but every time he pushed his son out and let him bear it himself.

At best, this is a strict father who tells his son to do his own thing and take responsibility for his own mistakes; at worst, this is irresponsibility.Nezha is not yet an adult, a child of only a few years old, if he makes a mistake, he will be thrown away. He has no father's responsibility and love. He deserves to be hunted down by his son in the future!
But after all, that is a matter between father and son, and now little Nezha doesn't hate his father yet!But he also knew that he had to go to the master when he encountered difficulties, and only the master was there for him.

From his point of view, if Master didn't love him so much, he wouldn't be able to transform himself into a top talent useful to society.

Who hasn't been young and frivolous yet!

An Luo understands very well, but now she cannot give in.

After chasing slowly like this, he finally came to the Golden Light Cave in Qianyuan Mountain. An Luo went over to salute Jinxia Tonger at the door, and asked, "Is Master Taiyi here? My master, Empress Shiji, wants to see you."

After the boy Jinxia saluted, he went in to report, but in time, a handsome young man with immortal demeanor appeared, this is Daoist Taiyi.

He saluted Empress Shiji and said, "Sister Shiji is here, I don't know what's going on?"

Empress Shiji is really a real person, she told what happened just now, and said to Master Taiyi: "Brother Dao, please let Nezha come out to see me, I just hope to give my apprentice Biyun boy justice."

To put it bluntly, Empress Shiji really only needs an apology.

But the real Taiyi disagreed. He said that Nezha is the reincarnation of Lingzhu. In the future, he will Xing Zhou and defeat Zhou as the first official.
An Luo was furious at the side, what a man!Really, things that can be solved with an apology, do you have to be stubborn, do you have to kill someone?
Do you think he is protecting his apprentice, or is he deliberately trying to make Nezha cornered, break away from this mortal relationship, become the incarnation of a lotus flower, and pave the way for sanctification?
What he thinks is his business, and this attitude really cannot be tolerated now.

Daoist Taiyi went on to say that if Empress Shiji made such unreasonable troubles again, he would ask Yuanshi Tianzun to uphold justice.

Now the relationship between interpretation and interception is delicate, and the war is imminent. Is it going to start with Empress Shiji?

Even Empress Shiji, who has always been forbearing and humble, got angry and decided to fight Taiyi Daoist.

An Luo shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Empress Shiji said: "Caiyun, how can you have the right to speak here?"

"Master, I just suffered two tricks from that Nezha, and I can be regarded as one of the victims. I should be able to say a few words, right?"

She asked Master Taiyi: "Then what is Nezha afraid of? Isn't he a little hero? Is there still such a hero who shrinks his head and tail and hides from others? Heroes are also like this, not even daring to make a mistake." Do you admit it?"

Nezha was furious, and flew out of the cave on a hot wheel, and asked, "Who are you? Why do you dare to say that about me?"

"I'm Caiyun Tong'er, the apprentice of Empress Shiji. As the saying goes, I travel all over the world with reason. Since I have reason, I dare to blame you!"

 Thank you Nanzhi Qinghan for voting for my monthly ticket, and thank you for the recommendation tickets you gave me. I am really happy.

  I have received a lot of encouragement in the past few days, I am very moved, thank you everyone.

  My writing skills are limited, but I will continue to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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