Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 4 Entertainment Circle: Goddess Raiders

Chapter 4 Entertainment Circle: Goddess Raiders (3)
Lin Ziyuan opened the car window and ordered to her, "Get in the car!"

An Luo frowned: "I don't need your help!"

Lin Shaolue seemed a little helpless: "No matter what, I can't let you go like this."


"This place is more than ten kilometers away from the city. You have no money and you don't have a mobile phone. Are you going to walk back barefoot like this, all wet and disheveled?"

Only then did An Luo look at his body. What he said was true. A long skirt was wet and clinging to her body. Fortunately, it was night, otherwise the spring light would not be able to hide it at all. Even so, The graceful figure of the original owner is also unobstructed.

She tugged at the hem of the long skirt, wrung out the water, and said to Young Master Lin: "Walk for a while, blow dry and it will dry. You don't have to worry about it!"

Feeling helpless, Lin Shao got out of the car, grabbed her wrist and said, "No matter what, I can't let you go back like this. If someone took a photo, tomorrow's trending search will be "Xinjin Xiaohua's mental disorder." , Wandering late at night with disheveled clothes"; oh, there is another possibility "The newly promoted Xiaohua died in the wilderness, suspected of being X first and then killed". No matter which possibility it is, it will be a great scandal for our group. So, get in the car!"

"Although your words are very vicious, they still make sense. Well, I'll get in the car, can you let go?"

He let go of his hand, An Luo rubbed his sore wrist, and sat in the co-pilot.

Lin Shao said, "Tell me your home address."

"I don't want to go home, take me to my best friend's house!"


"I can't let my mother see me like this, she won't be able to accept it." This is the truth, if she goes back like this, the host's mother will definitely think wildly, "Also, I told my mother before, today Go to stay at my best friend's house for the party."

Lin Shao nodded in agreement: "That's right, it's really inappropriate for me to send you back like this. However, it's not okay to send it to your best friend's house. If you talk to her all night, there may be rumors of "New Little Flower Quilt Company" Harsh treatment, attempted suicide!" such news."

"My friend won't spread rumors." An Luo commented on that girlfriend based on Hai Yuchen's memory.

"50% of women have the experience of being betrayed by their girlfriends, and the other 50% are women who betrayed their girlfriends." Lin Shao said with a sneer.

An Luo deeply suspected that this Young Master Lin had a brain hole.

Lin Shao went on to say: "Then go back to my house! Actually, I wanted to send you to the hotel, but you didn't bring any documents, right? I don't want to cause trouble."

"You said it yourself. You were photographed later, so don't blame me."

Lin Shao glanced at her and said, "What's the point, put on your seat belt!"

An Luo tried to fasten his seat belt, didn't say anything else, and concentrated on experiencing the speed of the luxury car. It felt like flying with a sword, which was super fun.

Lin Shao now lives in a high-end apartment complex in the city, because this place is relatively close to the company, which is convenient for handling things.He sent An Luo home and left, saying that he would go back to the hotel to stay overnight and pick her up tomorrow morning.

An Luo was alone in Lin Shao's home, seeing all kinds of modern facilities, and felt very miraculous.She began to lament that being a human is really interesting, and life here seems to be more interesting than fairyland.

She came to the bathroom, took off her wet dress, took a hot bath first, and then took a closer look at her new body.

Hai Yuchen is a beautiful woman with long soft curly hair, fair skin, tall figure, bright eyes and bright teeth, and a graceful manner.An Luo never imagined that he could become such a beautiful woman, and of course, he never imagined that he would become a real human being.

(End of this chapter)

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