Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 408 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 408 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (08)
After confirming that there was no weapon on An Luo, they brought her and the child to this building.

In an office, she met the person in charge of the center. He was an elegant and handsome man, about 27 or [-] years old, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and he looked like a schoolmaster.

The man stretched out his hand to An Luo and said, "Miss Sophia, hello, nice to meet you! My name is Julian, and I'm the person in charge of this rescue center."

After An Luo shook hands with him, he asked bluntly, "Is my sister Isabella here?"

"Yes, you can meet soon." The person in charge said with a smile, "but it's really amazing that you can find this place. I think you and this child are also full of dust and dust. Go and rest quickly. This child should Are you hungry?"

The little girl was indeed covering her stomach, and she could still hear her stomach growling from time to time.

An Luo thinks this is also a good idea, anyway, let the child eat first!
At this time, someone came and took An Luo and the child to a place similar to a cafeteria. Both of them had a hearty lunch, and some staff came to invite An Luo to rest.

"This child can join our children's home." The staff said to An Luo.

She also went to have a look and found that this children's home should be in the activity room of these mentally ill patients. They have recently remodeled and put some books and toys.There is also another room with beds for children.

It seems that the environment of this rescue center is much better than I imagined.

An Luo felt quite satisfied, and the only dissatisfaction was that he hadn't seen Sophia's sister yet.

An Luo was taken to his room by the staff, and the man said, "For the time being, you can live here, because there are more people in the rescue center, and everyone has a corresponding job. After your sister finishes her work, we will We will arrange for you to meet. And we need to verify the relationship between you.”

An Luoxin said that these people are really cautious.

In such an apocalyptic environment, it is really a luxury to be able to lie on a pillow and have a good sleep, so An Luo feels more satisfied.Although she found out that this room was actually a room for detaining heavier mentally ill patients, she was not very angry and told herself not to care about these details.

Not long after, someone actually opened the door and came in.

This kind of door can't be opened from inside at all, only people outside can open it with a key, in order to prevent the severely mentally ill patients inside from running out.

An Luo thought it was his sister who came, and he was really excited, after all, the original owner's dream would be half completed soon.

However, to her surprise, the person who came in was not Isabella, but the person in charge, Julian, and two heavily armed men in black.

"Hello, Julian, may I ask what you want to see me for? Do you want to tell me about my sister?" An Luo asked.

Julian laughed: "Don't worry, you will soon become a member of my harem group, and you will meet naturally at that time."

As soon as he finished speaking, the other two pointed their weapons at An Luo.

Julian untied his tie and said to her, "Sophia, if you want to see your sister, just listen to me obediently today!"

(End of this chapter)

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