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Chapter 419 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 419 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (19)
Before leaving, Cynthia, the president of Miguel's support club, stopped An Luo: "Master Miguel belongs to me. Anyone who wants to hurt him or get him is absolutely not allowed!"

Seeing the fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl utter the last sentence in a serious manner, An Luo almost laughed out loud.She said to Cynthia: "That's just what you think, but Miguel doesn't actually belong to you, but don't worry, I'm not interested in him, and I don't want to hurt him. You should also relax and write. The more you want to catch him, the more you will The more likely it is to lose him. Besides, isn't the most important thing now is to solve the problem of survival?"

Cynthia was lost in thought, An Luo patted her on the shoulder, and jumped into the helicopter.

Back in City S, Hannah came out to greet An Luo, and she has now officially become Rhode's assistant.

"Welcome back, Sophia." Hannah smiled.

"Thank you! Where is Rhodes?"

"Master Rhodes is training his players, do you need to go and have a look?"

"Forget it, I'm going to take a rest."

An Luo went directly to visit his sister Isabella and the little girl Dorothy. Now Dorothy's grandmother has been picked up, so the little girl is very happy. The grandparents and grandchildren expressed their gratitude to An Luo.

Isabella told her that everything in the rescue center was going well, and nothing happened during this period, but Hannah became the second in command of the rescue center.

"She was personally appointed by Captain Rhodes. Everyone said that she must have used some improper means. She was appointed as soon as you left." Isabella said.

An Luo didn't expect Rhodes to lie to her, and felt very uncomfortable.

At this point, the training was over, and she came to Captain Rhodes' office.

Captain Rhodes seemed to be in a good mood: "Is everything going well with you in T City?"

"It's not bad, everything I wanted to do has been realized."

"Very well, then the matter here should be handed over to you, and I should leave. Hannah is a good assistant, and she can help you with follow-up matters." Rhodes said to her, "She is very good at documenting Management, has a lot of secretarial experience."

"Oh, really?" An Luo chuckled, "You want to recruit an assistant, have you made an open competition? Is it really appropriate for you to appoint an assistant without publicizing the recruitment information? Even if it is a self-recommendation, you should first tell everyone publicly It’s okay, it can’t be said that a person wants to take whatever position he wants.”

Rhodes' complexion became a little ugly: "Are you taking too much care?"

"I am the person in charge here, and I will never allow such non-compliance to happen!"

"It's the end of the world, what are you thinking so much about?"

"Are there no rules in the last days?" An Luo asked rhetorically.

At this time, Hannah knocked on the door and came in. She smiled and said to Rhodes: "The food statistics have been released, and the other three people are not feeling well today. Do they need to be quarantined?"

Rhodes pointed to An Luo, and said to Hannah, "It's good to ask Sophia all these questions in the future."

Hannah glanced at An Luo helplessly. An Luo took her report, checked the information carefully, and asked her to isolate the three people. After she left, she said to Rhodes, "You found the assistant. Please take her with you."

"Let her be by my side, are you really relieved? Not jealous? "

"Hehe, are you thinking too much?"

Rhodes was a little disappointed. He originally wanted to use this method to anger An Luo and make her feel a little threatened, but he didn't expect it to be unsuccessful.

(End of this chapter)

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