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Chapter 421 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 421 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (21)
Hannah reported that there is still a shortage of food at present, and there has never been any supply from above, and the number of sick people is increasing, and if this continues, there may be a crisis.

However, An Luo's own statistics were not like this. She tried to refute Hannah with statistics, but Hannah said that the actual operation was not the same as his statistics.

This is clearly Chi Guoguo's provocation. If it is only provoking An Luo, the problem is not serious.But this kind of crisis, she spreads everywhere, telling whoever she catches.

Where is the sun here?Normally, as a high-level team, when encountering a crisis, without thinking of a solution, you cannot tell the whole story to everyone, otherwise it will cause panic.

So it is obvious that she wants everyone to oppose An Luo now.

An Luo's roots here are not deep. During this period of time, she went to T City and missed the opportunity to deepen her relationship with everyone.It seems a bit late to make amends now.

Voices of doubt gradually emerged, and in just two days, An Luo deeply felt the spread of an uneasy atmosphere.

Two days later in the morning, she held a plenary meeting and asked everyone to publicly elect a group leader, including defense, combat, food supply, child rearing, medical care, sanitation and cleaning, etc.After the election, the staff of each department and the specific affairs that each staff member is responsible for are determined.

Everything is done in public, anyway, now I can only be bored here, idle is idle.

After such public counting and statistics, the rumors of the crisis spread by Hannah are self-defeating, and everyone is now very clear about the current situation.There will be no more panic.

As for Hannah, An Luo claimed that she was very satisfied with her work during this period, so this time the election was exempted, which was equivalent to her personal recommendation.

There will be another election in a month, so everyone will have to play their part.

After she made such a fuss, Hannah also knew that An Luo was not easy to bully, so she had to restrain herself a little. She has good working ability and is indeed very suitable as an assistant.

However, An Luo also made a lot of sacrifices for this.Since there is a promotion, the salary needs to be increased, but the spar given above is obviously insufficient, so An Luo has to use his own savings.

Fortunately, I made a lot of money in other worlds, and now I don’t have to worry about spending it all the time. If it doesn’t work, I can still go out and kill zombies.

In terms of medical treatment, An Luo personally took care of it, and the medical knowledge he learned in the Conferred God Plane can be used. Of course, Western medicine is required for medicine, which is no problem, because the dryad is very eloquent when it comes to academic issues. Absolutely, so every time he treats him, he will talk about how to treat it in modern times.An Luo also learned a lot of healing methods in this way.

It seems that everything is on the right track, and all they need to do is wait for the rescue from the headquarters. However, since Rhodes left, An Luo's contact with the headquarters has not been successful at all.

"The number of zombies surrounding the area gradually began to increase," said the staff in charge of defense.

"Our food is enough for fifteen days at most, and we have to live frugally." The staff in charge of food distribution reported.

An Luo thought for a while and said, "How can I just sit and wait for death? Get rid of the zombies around."

No one said anything, this is tantamount to the Arabian Nights, right?
An Luo stood in the command center, looking at the wandering zombies, wondering if she should go out in person, but she has no experience in mass killings, should she do it?
Hesitating, she asked Miguel in the sealed place, after all Miguel couldn't get in touch.

(End of this chapter)

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