Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 429 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 429 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (29)
However, the group of people who robbed the headquarters is entrenched in city A, ready to reap the benefits of fishing.

When the situation started to improve, they started to spread the word that they had solved the crisis.

There will always be some people who don't know the truth, or people who have some interests. Therefore, before the world is completely restored to peace, it has already been divided into several opposing forces.

"I don't think it's interesting at all. What's the point with them? Just kill them." Miguel hated the way Rhodes and Cui Wei were discussing countermeasures, "Look at the hypocrisy of you two, when Now, do you still have to pretend to be dignified?"

"What's the point of killing them? The important thing is to convince everyone!" Rhode objected.

After discussion, I finally felt that we should use scientific methods to solve this problem.

Cui Wei announced all the research data to everyone, including the development of this weapon from research and development to production to initial use, plus all the research and development process of this vaccine, and who took the antibody from.

In the face of the facts, it is clear at a glance who is true and who is false.

The final fatal blow to the group should be the recovered video data. Their attack on the headquarters that day was recorded. Although the cameras and computers were damaged, they were still recovered by Cynthia.

So this group of people can only accept the fate of failure.

An Luo was elected as the general manager of the new S City, and Cui Wei and Rhode became the managers of the entire map.As for Miguel, of course he is the person in charge of City T.

This time, Cynthia did not follow Miguel, but took over a city independently.

"I want him to follow my pace." Cynthia said so, in fact, Miguel is also very willing.

There are still a lot of problems in life in this world, including the lack of materials and various pollutions. Everyone is always in a state of being infected. Although they can be vaccinated, the virus always exists, maybe what At that time, once a mutation occurs, it may still be uncontrollable and unknown.

An Luo doesn't care too much about this. No matter what the future situation is, life still has to go on. The most important thing is to let everyone live every day well in the present. Instead of chasing the unknown future, it is better to grasp the present.

After experiencing these incidents, Hannah willingly became An Luo's assistant.

In the end, until An Luo passed away and left this world, the zombies did not break out again. It seems that the virus is still very stable!

However, some researchers believe that humans have evolved in this process, and have evolved to be able to fuse the gene of the zombie virus into the human gene, and it has always been suppressed.No one knows under what circumstances this inhibition will be lifted.

It still sounds dangerous.

But An Luo knew that she still couldn't control these things after all.

As for her and Rhodes, they are not together in this world. She thinks she should think about whether she really likes Xuan Yu, or is it just a feeling of being a partner?

Xuanyu Rhodes also agrees with An Luo's opinion, always being together, he is so nervous that his behavior will deviate, and sometimes he will do childish things, so it may be a better way to deal with the relationship between the two of them coldly , if one day the two of them can understand each other's feelings, that is the time when they are really suitable to be together.

(End of this chapter)

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