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Chapter 431 It's Dark, Please Don't Close Your Eyes

Chapter 431 It's Dark, Please Don't Close Your Eyes (01)
The shrill scream pierced the night sky, and another life in the small village disappeared.

"It's the third master in the west of the village." The patriarch announced.

This small village is called Niutou Village, and most of the village is owned by the Niuwei clan.

There are more than 20 households and more than 100 people in the village. Recently, killings in the middle of the night have often occurred.

"The patriarch is already the third person, what should we do?" The respected and respected master Ushio Goro in the village was also afraid and asked the patriarch.

"Bring a pen and paper, and send someone to invite Mr. Xiao Jiulang, the great detective."

Two days later.

The patriarch looked confused: "Come back so soon? It takes half a month to go back and forth to the capital!"

The young man sent replied: "I met Mr. Xiao Jiulang on the road. She has heard about what happened here, so she came here."

The big detective in front of him, Kokuro, looks very young, about seventeen or eighteen years old, tall and thin, but full of energy, with a pair of star-like bright eyes that seem to be able to see through people's hearts.

Judging from his attire, he does look like a big shot from the capital, but he never heard that Xiao Jiulang is a woman?

The girl who claimed to be Kokuro handed over her business card and the officially issued badge of famous detective Kokuro, and said proudly, "It's Miyano Kokuro, who came here specially to handle your murder case."

The patriarch thought about it carefully. Although he hadn't heard that Xiao Jiulang was a woman, he hadn't heard that he was a man either?If you speak impolitely and offend Xiao Jiulang, it will be serious.

Besides, this official waist badge can't be fake!
"Then invite Miss Xiao Jiulang..."

"Please call me sir." The girl raised her face and said bluntly.

"Yes, yes, please invite Mr. Xiao Jiulang to drink tea." The patriarch smiled apologetically.

While drinking tea, the patriarch talked about the five murders.

The victims included the second uncle in the east of the village, the seventh uncle in the north of the village, and the third uncle.

"The average age is 46 plus or minus 7 years old, are they brothers?" Kokuro asked.

"They're all distant relatives, not real brothers."

Xiao Jiulang closed the notebook he was recording, and said, "Then let's investigate from the scene of the first case!"

Although the village is small, the residences are quite scattered. The second uncle at the head of the village lived alone, and the place where he was killed was in his bedroom.The doors are not closed here, so there is no such thing as a broken door lock.

It has been more than 20 days, and there are no footprints, let alone fingerprints. In this era, there is no fingerprint database, let alone fingerprint comparison technology.

Even so, Mr. Kokuro searched every corner of the bedroom carefully, but found nothing.

However, she saw a young man cleaning at the scene.

"What's the matter with you? How can someone come in and clean the murder scene casually? How can people investigate this? What if he is the murderer and came to destroy the scene?" Xiao Jiulang said angrily.

The patriarch scolded Daisuke Ushio, who was in charge of security, and told Kokuro: "This young man came to the village only yesterday, so he can't be the murderer. He just passed by, and he didn't make any trouble. He was working here for a few days. Hey, boy, come here!"

The young man came over and greeted everyone: "Patriarch, what are your orders?"

"This is Mr. Xiao Jiulang, a famous detective from the capital. Now she has something to ask you." The patriarch pointed to Xiao Jiulang.

The young man had a puzzled look on his face, but he immediately smiled and said, "What is Mr. Xiao Jiulang's order?"

(End of this chapter)

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