Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 457: A Super Girl Enters the Immortal Gate

Chapter 457 A Thousand-Level Girl Enters the Immortal Gate (06)

In the north, there is a mountain surrounded by demonic energy. One day, an immortal came from nowhere and wiped out the demonic energy. He named the mountain Lingqi Mountain. This immortal also called himself Anluo Shangxian.

There are sixty-six and thirty-six disciples under Anluo Shangxianzuo, some are beautiful, some are knowledgeable, some are strong, and often those who are overwhelmed will challenge them, and all of them will never return.

Because of this, Lingqi Mountain has gradually gained a name in the entire fairy world. No one knows the strength of An Luo Shangxian, and no fairy is willing to try to provoke it.

The entire fairy world gradually felt a sense of crisis, and all the immortals headed by the immortals of Qihuang Mountain jointly named the emperor of heaven, and wanted to get rid of An Luo and hurry up.

"Heavenly Emperor, this An Luo was originally just a sealing stone found by Xiaoxian, and later became Gouzi's sealing magic weapon. I didn't expect that she would directly transform into a human form from the magic weapon, and even occupy the magic mountain and claim to be an immortal. This person really The wolf is ambitious, trying to use demonic methods to confuse the world, so we need to cut the grass and root out as soon as possible."

The Emperor of Heaven didn't take it seriously: "It's just a small sealing stone, what kind of ambition can it have? The words of the gods are heavy. It's just that she doesn't have an official title, which is unreasonable. How about this, as long as she can establish Thanks to her credit, I agree with her to become a real Shangxian."

The Emperor of Heaven inquired about what problems still need to be solved, and learned that the demon world and the ghost world are about to move around recently, so he should show some color, so he ordered: "The fairy on Qihuang Mountain, go and convey my will, as long as An Luo kills four One of the Great Demon Kings will be able to obtain the title of Immortal."

The fairy on Qihuang Mountain was startled. One of the four demon kings, Qi Mei, was his own son. Why did he get involved again?But it was not his style to refute the Emperor of Heaven face to face, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead the way.Moreover, after thinking about it for a while, he thought that An Luo's killing of the Four Great Demon Kings would be tantamount to giving away his head, which is a good thing.

The people of Anluo sat at home, and the guests came from the sky. They did not expect the immortals of Qihuang Mountain and several other immortals to visit so boldly.

"Oh, I didn't expect all the gods to come to visit, so disrespectful and disrespectful!" An Luo greeted the immortals at the gate of the mountain.

These immortals didn't take An Luo seriously, and they didn't even want to say anything to her.Except for the Immortals of Qihuang Mountain, An Luo has not dealt with other immortals directly, but when she followed Xuanyu Social as a sealing magic weapon, she had seen them before, not to mention there were four demon kings telling her gossip, So I know more or less about every fairy.

After reading the decree of the Heavenly Emperor, the immortal on Qihuang Mountain said to An Luo: "An Luo, if you really want to become a real immortal, you must make contributions to the fairy world. Go! Go and make contributions!"

An Luo said to him: "Understood, thank you Shangxian for reminding me. Why don't you go to the humble house and have some tea?"

All the gods thought that the decree had been delivered, and the rest was waiting to see An Luo's jokes, so they didn't bother to drink tea, and went back happily.

An Luo made some preparations, and headed straight to the palace of the Emperor of Heaven with the first female group and the first male group of Lingqi Mountain.It's not that she didn't go to the Emperor of Heaven, but the Emperor of Heaven thought she was still an amateur and refused to see her in detail.Today is considered to be a chance to meet the Emperor of Heaven.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor of Heaven still refused to see her, saying that unless she made contributions.

An Luo also guessed it, so he set up a battle in the square in front of the Emperor's Palace, and said: "The Emperor of Heaven, An Luo's trip is unpredictable, please allow me to hold a concert here, and invite the whole fairy world to appreciate our aura The style of the mountain group."

(End of this chapter)

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