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Chapter 78 Daliang Kingdom: Here Comes the Eldest Princess!

Chapter 78 Daliang Kingdom: Here Comes the Eldest Princess! (09)
An Luo's face sank, he put down his wine glass, and sneered: "I understand after hearing what you said. It seems that these twenty women are not the daughters of nobles, but may be the daughters of commoners. No, in your country you should Slavery, right? So slaves' daughters, right?"

The emperor of the Qiang Kingdom looked a little unhappy, his brows were erect, and he drank a sip of wine, not knowing whether to hide his anger or nervousness.

An Luo went on to say: "You propose to our country, and you open your mouth to marry the younger sister of the emperor, the eldest princess of Daliang. But now you are asked to offer beautiful women, and you are reluctant to part with the daughters of nobles. Isn't it a bit deceitful? "

The emperor of the Qiang Kingdom reluctantly replied: "We chose beauties this time, only for beauty, not for birth."

"Your Majesty is right. We ask for beautiful women, not for identity. But now, I just want a maid for my brother, and the king pushes back and forth. Doesn't it seem that he is not sincere enough to seek peace?"

She stood up, walked to the girl, raised her chin to look carefully, came to the king, looked at him aggressively, and said to him: "That girl is really beautiful and refined, the king doesn't care so much." , must be interested in her. However, since the king of Daliang wants her, let alone a maid or the daughter of a general, even if she is the sister, daughter or even your wife of the king of Qiang, you will It should be served with a smile on your face!"

Who knew that the monarch of the Qiang Kingdom would ask An Luo with a smile in his eyes after hearing these words: "The princess said that, is she jealous?"

"Me?" An Luo felt that she had lost again. The monarch had a good temper, and she thought he would get angry, "Don't change the subject, the monarch, I want to take her back to my brother right now, what do you think should I do?" Bar?"

"This king has always been good at making things difficult for others. If you can persuade that girl, take her back." The Lord of the Qiang Kingdom looked at her provocatively. This time she was closer to him, and she really saw that he was sneering.

An Luo walked up to the girl again and asked her, "Girl, what's your name?"

"My slave's name is Ami."

"Ami, this name sounds nice. What do you think I look like?" An Luo asked her kindly.

The maid answered a little nervously: "The princess is peerless, she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

"Then let me tell you, I, the King of Liang Kingdom, is my own brother, brother of the same father and mother. He is only 22 years old this year, and his appearance is extremely handsome. He is many times better than you, the bearded King of the Qiang Kingdom. That's it." In the world, it is hard to find such a handsome man."

After she finished speaking, looking at the maid's eyes, she seemed to have eased up a lot.She then asked: "Girl, tell me, do you have a sweetheart?"


"It's easy to handle!" An Luo said to her, "You tell me, I want to take you to Liangguo, that's a good thing! Why don't you want to? I want to be honest."

The girl hesitated for a moment, but still told An Luo: "Her Royal Highness, I heard that the King of Liang Kingdom can eat people."

An Luo was startled, this is a state secret of Daliang State, how could she know?How did such a thing get out?

However, she laughed and said to the girl: "Girl, do you believe such nonsense? My brother governs the country with benevolence, not only to the people of our Daliang country, but also to the surrounding countries. How can there be such a thing as cannibalism?" When she said this, she frowned slightly and sighed softly, "It seems that someone wants to slander my brother with this, who is it?"

Seeing that the princess looked distressed, the girl hurriedly comforted her: "Your Highness, don't be sad, I made a slip of the tongue."

An Luo then said to her: "I really like you very much. How about this, I will take you back to Daliang. If my brother doesn't like you, I can help you find a good son-in-law who is both talented and beautiful or send you back to the Qiang Kingdom. Everything depends on your wishes. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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