Chapter 23
Zhang Ling lay on a high slope in the north of the city, looked down at the dilapidated building and asked, "Are you sure it's here?"

Ling Feng nodded and replied, "That's right, it's here, I followed all the way here!"

"Oh, where is the entrance?" Looking at the desolation around him, Zhang Ling couldn't imagine that this place would be a personal meat kitchen.

Ling Feng bowed and floated down the high slope, but Zhang Ling looked at his handsome back and cursed secretly: "Damn it, you think I'm a spirit body like you, and you walk so gracefully! "

Ling Feng floated down the slope, turned around and waved to Zhang Ling: "Master, come down, there is no one outside!"

Now Zhang Ling's old face is a bit unbearable. He is also the little overlord of Penglai in the fairyland, and now he is so timid that he is not as good as a quail. , What would the fairies think of him? It's really embarrassing!
He got up from the ground pretending to have numb legs, pretending to be calm and walked down the slope. When he came to Ling Feng's side, he nodded and said, "Hey, my legs were a little numb just now!"

"Yes! Disciple understands!" Ling Feng clasped his fists and saluted Zhang Ling very seriously. You must know that working in Jinyiwei is not just good at kung fu, the most important thing is to understand the leadership's intentions, so that you can get promoted and make a fortune, and live a long life!
Seeing Ling Feng going on the road like this, Zhang Ling waved his hands and said, "Lead the way ahead!"

Ling Feng saluted again and floated towards the abandoned building first. After the two entered the building, Ling Feng led Zhang Ling to a sealed plywood door in the northwest corner of the building and said: " Master, this is the entrance!"

"Here?" Zhang Ling looked at the plywood wooden door in front of him, which looked like a fake door attached to the wall, and asked in confusion.
Ling Feng nodded and pointed to a junction box next to the wooden door: "The mechanism is here!"

Zhang Ling opened the junction box and saw that there was an old-fashioned knife switch inside. He pushed the knife switch upwards hesitantly, only to hear a rattling sound and remembered that the sealed plywood wooden door was slowly opened!
He stepped forward quickly but found something amazing, behind the seemingly thin layer of plywood was actually a steel plate three or four inches thick!

Zhang Ling clicked his tongue and was about to walk in, but Ling Feng stood in front of him and said, "Master, from here, let the disciples be the pioneers to find the way for Master!"

Sensible, really so sensible, Zhang Ling looked at Ling Feng with great satisfaction, originally he was still wondering if there would be any protective measures inside, but now that Ling Feng wanted to find the way for himself, it would naturally save him a lot of trouble troubles and concerns.

Although Zhang Ling's cultivation base is still very low at this time, there is a helper beside him that no one else can see, which increases his confidence a lot.

Ling Feng took the lead in getting into the downward passage behind the wooden door, and Zhang Ling also got in. Every time he reached a corner, Ling Feng would turn around to see if there were any guards. After confirming that there was no danger, Zhang Ling Follow up again.

As they continued to go deeper, Zhang Ling felt that the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower, and finally reached the point where he could exhale white air.

Zhang Ling stopped and ran the formula to mobilize the true energy in his body to resist the biting chill. After running for a few weeks, his body gradually heated up, and the chill around him also decreased a lot.

At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly stopped and turned to Zhang Ling and said, "Master, be careful, there are guards ahead!"

Zhang Ling immediately slowed down when he heard the sound. He carefully leaned against the wall and looked in. He saw an open space around the corner. The blue cold light illuminated the inside like a ghost land. Two people in cotton clothes The big man was leaning on a chair not far away, and behind them was an opaque glass curtain wall.

At this time, the two guards were dozing off. Zhang Ling tiptoed to a corner where boxes were piled up and looked at the surrounding environment. He found that there was no other way out except the electronic door on the glass curtain wall. Go through the electronic door between the two guards.

Just when Zhang Ling was thinking about how to get in, his phone rang suddenly, and the originally very pleasant ringtone sounded particularly harsh at this time, and the two sleepy guards were also awakened by the ringtone!

The two of them drew their pistols from their waists and rushed towards Zhang Ling. Zhang Ling hurriedly turned off the phone and watched the two guards approaching with a bold plan in mind.

Just when the two guards arrived at his position, Zhang Ling suddenly stood up and shouted: "Don't shoot, I surrender!"

The two men with fierce faces pointed guns at Zhang Ling, and one of the men with pockmarked faces said fiercely: "Come out slowly, if you dare to move, I will kill you!"

Zhang Ling slowly came out from behind the box. He watched the two men in front of him just about to speak when a strong wind hit him behind his head. He stood there without hiding, and then he felt the back of his head being hit Something smashed hard, and Zhang Ling immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

He only felt himself being lifted up and swayed forward, and after a while, he heard a slight sound of keys and the electronic door sliding open.

"Master, we're coming in!" Ling Feng's voice rang in Zhang Ling's ears. He knew that Zhang Ling was pretending to be dizzy at the moment, so he became Zhang Ling's eyes.

Zhang Ling didn't speak and let the two carry him forward. After walking for about five or six minutes, he suddenly smelled a strong smell, it was blood, it was the smell of blood!
"Master, this is the place where they killed people!" Ling Feng's voice sounded again, Zhang Ling secretly opened his eyes and looked out. After passing a place that looked like an operating table, a bloody corpse was lying on that table. The corpse's empty eyes met Zhang Ling's sight, making him close his eyes involuntarily.

"What the hell is this place!" Zhang Ling cursed in his heart
But at this moment, the two people who were carrying him stopped suddenly, and then an extremely old and ugly voice sounded above his head: "What's going on?"

"Boss, we caught this man trying to sneak in." It was the pockmarked guy who spoke, and Zhang Ling remembered his voice.

After the pockmarked face finished speaking, the ugly voice said again: "Let him be locked up with the doctor first, it happens that this batch of goods lacks two kidneys, so let's use him to make up the number!"

Zhang Ling almost jumped up and scolded his mother when he heard that, damn it, he finally knew what these bastards were doing, they turned out to be bastards selling organs!

"Boss, what if this kid is Leizi?" The pockmarked man asked worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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