Chapter 26
After a while, a group of heavily armed policemen rushed in, and when they saw the strange scene in the house, they all stopped in their tracks, and a few rookies screamed out in fright.

Chang Xing saw that the policemen were excited and wanted to walk over, but Zhang Ling grabbed him as soon as he moved, and whispered in his ear: "Don't move, don't forget that you are visiting the doctor illegally, you don't plan to Have you become a doctor?"

Just as Chang Xing was about to reply, Zhang Ling said again: "They can't see us!"

As soon as Zhang Ling finished speaking, a middle-aged policeman who was handcuffing one of the bald heads looked in their direction, and the young policeman with a slightly pale face beside him asked nervously: "Captain Wang, what? What's wrong?"

"Did you hear any sound?" The policeman called Team Wang frowned and looked in the direction of Zhang Ling and the two of them. He clearly heard voices talking inside.

The young policeman turned even paler when he heard that, and said very nervously: "No, no, I didn't hear anything, Team Wang, this place isn't haunted!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! You are a policeman, you are a gods and ghosts, if you talk nonsense, be careful to go back and punish you!" The king team reprimanded the young policeman sharply, but at this place, his heart was still terrified. .

After handcuffing all four people in the house, the middle-aged policeman said, "Take them all away, notify the forensics department, and let them come to collect evidence!"

The little policeman rushed out of the creepy room as if he had received an amnesty, while the middle-aged policeman slowly walked towards Zhang Ling and Chang Xing.

Seeing the police getting closer and closer, Chang Xing became tense. He held his breath and stuck to the wall motionless, wishing he could melt himself into the wall.

Chang Xing was quite nervous, but Zhang Ling seemed very calm. He pulled Chang Xing's arm against the wall and moved slowly. When the policeman walked to the position where they had just stood, the two had already moved to a position close to the door. .

"Captain Wang, Deputy Director Li is looking for you!" A policeman stood at the door of the room and shouted into the room.
The middle-aged policeman stood there and looked at it for a while and said, "Understood, I'll go up immediately!"

After the policeman left, both Zhang Ling and Chang Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and Chang Xing whispered, "What should we do now?"

Hearing the noise outside the door, Zhang Ling looked at the five poor corpses on the ground and said with a smile, "Cold salad!"

Chang Xing was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect this guy to be in the mood to joke around at this moment!

Unexpectedly, before he could react, Zhang Ling walked out, and when he came to the door, Zhang Ling turned to Chang Xing and said, "From now on, you must obey my orders!"

After speaking, he took a deep breath and said, "Go!"

Following his order, Chang Xing followed him out of the morgue in a panic. As soon as he went out, Chang Xing saw three policemen standing not far from them. Turn your back on them.

Standing outside, Chang Xing nervously looked at the three policemen with their backs turned, because there was only one way out from the morgue, and the only way to get out was to pass through the three policemen.

Zhang Ling tugged on Chang Xing's sleeves and tiptoed towards the three policemen. He stopped only when he was within reach. Chang Xing's heart was in his throat at this time. The sound sounded like the beating of a drum to his own ears.

However, the three policemen didn't notice the two behind them, they just stood there and talked to themselves, only to hear a short and stocky policeman on the right whispered: "This case is a bit evil this time! "

"Don't talk nonsense, watch out for Team Wang to hear you!" It was the pale young policeman who spoke just now.

At this time, the policeman standing on the left said, "What are you afraid of? Team Wang is up there, and I can't hear you. Let me tell you, those guys must have seen something terrible. They looked at it that way." It's just insane!"

"Yes, yes. I think so too. I have been to so many scenes with Team Wang, and this is the weirdest one!" The short and stocky policeman on the right continued.

After hearing this, the young policeman looked back a little nervously at the dark corridor behind him, swallowed, and said, "You, tell me, are those things you saw still here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately took a slap. The short and stout policeman glared at him and said, "Bah, bah, don't talk nonsense, kid."

The tall and thin policeman on the left hastily clasped his hands together and said in a low voice, "No wonder, no wonder!"

Seeing the nervousness of the three people, Zhang Ling couldn't help laughing. He took a few steps forward and blew softly into the tall and thin policeman's ear, which immediately frightened the policeman's house into wow He yelled loudly, and the remaining two policemen were frightened birds, but now they yelled strangely after being frightened by his yelling.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Zhang Ling pulled Chang Xing close to them and rushed over, then Zhang Ling walked out relying on the feeling of being carried in just now.

When he came to the operating table where the corpse had just been placed, the corpse had already been carried away, leaving only dried blood, he couldn't help but sigh when he remembered the empty and hopeless eyes.

But he didn't expect that this sigh would cause trouble. He only heard a deep voice shouted: "Who is it? Come out, don't play tricks!"

This shocked Zhang Ling into a cold sweat. He looked back and saw that the Wang team who had already left had turned back, and at this time he was walking towards him with a gun in his hand.

Zhang Ling hastily pulled Chang Xing aside, but the damn policeman's intuition was too keen, as soon as they moved, he turned towards them, as if he could see them.

Seeing that the policeman's muzzle was about to hit Zhang Ling's body, Ling Feng, who had always been the pioneer of the trailblazer, suddenly punched him. Although the punch could not cause any harm to him, it succeeded. It caught his attention, and sure enough, he immediately turned his gun and shouted in Ling Feng's direction, "Come out!"

Zhang Ling and Chang Xing also took this opportunity to rush out quickly. Fortunately, there were not many policemen stationed outside, so they rushed to the place where Zhang Ling was captured without much effort.

When the two were panting and leaning against the pile of boxes where Zhang Ling was hiding just now, they all breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.

Ling Feng also floated over at this time and said, "Master, I'll go outside and have a look!"

Zhang Ling nodded, and Ling Feng floated out along the passage they came in. After a while, he came back and reported: "There are only two policemen outside guarding the perimeter, you can go out!"

Hearing this, Zhang Ling turned to look at Chang Xing and said with a smile, "Let's go, there are only two police guards outside."

At this moment, Chang Xing was not too surprised by Zhang Ling's foresight. He just nodded and got up and walked towards the entrance of the passage. Looking at Chang Xing's back, Zhang Ling suddenly thought of a fun idea, and he couldn't help laughing. : "Hehe, this is another good show!"

(End of this chapter)

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