Chapter 39 Calamity
The shape of the mountain gate of Qingliu Sword Academy is similar to the architectural style of the Han and Tang Dynasties, but although there are all kinds of pavilions and pavilions here, Zhang Ling always feels that this place is full of murderous spirit when looking at those exquisite ancient buildings. He felt a chill behind him.

Passing through several corridors, Zhang Ling carried the little wolf in his arms and came down to the main hall of Qingliu Sword Academy under the guidance of the young girl. He saw a huge bluestone inscription in front of the main hall: Qingliu two vermilion characters.

Just when Zhang Ling was looking at the magnificent hall in front of him, Song Qingshan led several elders of Qingliu out of the hall, walked quickly to Zhang Ling and said respectfully: "I have seen the young master, I don't know how the young master rested yesterday?"

After Song Qingshan came back, he learned about Zhang Ling's background from Wen Liang. He really didn't expect this ordinary-looking young man in front of him to have such an amazing background. I regret it.

If it wasn't for his mistake, he wouldn't have gotten to such a point. Not only did he lose a proud disciple, but he also planted the root of disaster.

"By the way, are you here for something?" Zhang Ling looked at Song Qingshan who was in deep thought and asked.

Song Qingshan looked at Liu Ting behind him and sighed, "You tell me!"

Liu Ting nodded, stepped forward and said to Zhang Ling: "Young Master, please follow me!"

Zhang Ling looked at Song Qingshan in surprise and followed Liu Ting to the depths of the mountain gate.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Liu Ting stopped in front of a monastery built on the mountain and said to Zhang Ling: "Please, young master!"

As he spoke, he opened the door and made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Ling. Zhang Ling walked into the abode in a daze, and he was shocked when he entered the room. The empty abode turned out to be an ancient Come to the mortuary where the corpses are kept, and two corpses covered with white cloth are lying upright on the flat bed.

And the little wolf cub in his arms let out a low growl immediately after smelling the blood.

"What's going on here?" Looking at the corpse in front of him, Zhang Ling felt unlucky in his heart. He seemed to have fought with these dead people for the past two days. No matter where he went, he could see the corpse. Could it be that he was killed by Edogawa Conan? Possessed?
Liu Ting didn't answer, but just took out a rag from his cuff and handed it to Zhang Ling. Zhang Ling was dumbfounded when he took the rag and looked at it. There were eight words written in blood on the rag: Today's hatred, tomorrow's hatred Must report!
"This... Lan Daoxing is not dead?" Zhang Ling blurted out in surprise.

Song Qingshan sighed and nodded: "I'm afraid they are. These are the two disciples who were watching the night yesterday. They were found crucified outside the mountain gate this morning. And I sent my disciples to find the corpse of that evil disciple, but they didn't not found."

This news made Zhang Ling irritated, and now Lan Daoxing haunted his heart like a ghost, and he would feel a chill when he recalled Lan Daoxing's hideous appearance when he fell into the cliff.

It turns out that Lan Daoxing still has a teacher to restrain his behavior, but now he is like a mad dog, no one knows when and where he will jump out and bite him.

But Zhang Ling is very clear that anxiety and fear cannot solve the problem, he must find a way to solve this hidden danger, otherwise he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Seeing that Zhang Ling's brows were deeply furrowed, Song Qingshan walked slowly to Zhang Ling's side and asked in a low voice, "I don't know what the young master thinks?"

Zhang Ling touched the squinting little wolf cub in his arms and thought, "Damn it, what should I do now that you have caused something? How the hell do I know what to do?"

But now he can only say perfunctorily: "I will find a way to see if I can find his whereabouts, but even if I find him, my manpower..."

"Don't worry, Shaojun, we have enough manpower!" What Song Qingshan wanted was Zhang Ling's words
Looking at Song Qingshan's respectful face, Zhang Ling suddenly had a strange feeling. His intuition told him that the old man seemed to be hiding something from him, but he didn't want to ask more questions, so he nodded, turned and walked out of the abode.

After leaving the mortuary, Song Qingshan restored his respectful smile and said to Zhang Ling: "Young Master, if you have nothing to do, why not stay here for a few more days, and let the old man do his best as a landlord."

Zhang Ling wanted to leave immediately, but then he thought about leaving at this time. In case Lan Daoxing was in ambush nearby, it would be troublesome for him to plot against him, so Zhang Ling decided to stay until Yu Hualong broke through.

So he smiled and said: "Then bother Sect Leader Song!"

Seeing that Zhang Ling didn't refuse, Song Qingshan immediately smiled and ordered to the accompanying disciples who followed: "Order to go down and prepare the banquet."

"Young Master, try our Qianguo Niang later, and you will have an endless aftertaste." Song Qingshan said to Zhang Ling after he waved back and followed his disciples

Zhang Ling was not very interested in the Qianguo Niang that Song Qingshan was talking about. If there is no fine wine in the world that can compare to the jade liquor in his storage bag, but since Song Qingshan is so kind, he doesn't mind It's too embarrassing to refute him, so he just smiled and said: "Okay, I'll have a good taste in a while!"

"Young Master please!" Song Qingshan said respectfully

Back at the main hall, Zhang Ling saw that the main hall was already full of men and women, and some waiters in gray cloth robes were lining up to deliver exquisite food to the low tables sitting on each table. Looking at those sitting on the ground, Zhang Ling couldn't help but think of the scene in the TV series where the king entertained his ministers in the Spring and Autumn Period.

After seeing Zhang Ling, Song Qingshan and others, those people stood up and bowed to them, so Zhang Ling had no choice but to return the salute, but Song Qingshan came over and laughed: "Young master, you don't need to be too polite. Please take a seat!"

Zhang Ling would not have been so humble before, but these 500 years are too long, and the long time has gradually changed him.

Walking to the high platform in the main hall, Zhang Ling found that there were only two seats on the high platform, and there was a slight difference in height between the two seats. The seat on the right was a little higher than the one on the left, which made Zhang Ling Ling feels that all concepts here are still stuck in the feudal era.

Song Qingshan invited Zhang Ling to the seat on the right, and sat with him on the left. Zhang Ling put the little wolf cub in his arms aside, put a plate of ham on the table in front of it, and sat down. He found that he had to lower his head to talk to Song Qingshan, which made him feel very uncomfortable, so Zhang Ling moved the cloud case and put it next to Song Qingshan with a smile: "Hehe, it's much more comfortable this way!"

Zhang Ling's actions made the smiles on Song Qingshan's face brighter. He raised his wine glass and said enthusiastically, "Come on, young master, I'm toasting you!"

Zhang Ling raised his wine glass and lightly touched Song Qingshan's lower part of the cup wall to show his respect, and this action gave Song Qingshan enough face, which made Song Qingshan's favor towards Zhang Ling soar.

Originally, he was worried that this eccentric second-generation fairy would be difficult to serve, but he didn't expect to be so understanding of the world, which surprised him and made him happy, and at the same time made him more determined to make friends with Zhang Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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