Chapter 145 Chapter 145
He paid attention to Ke'er several times, and found that she was really tricky, and every time she would secretly add white powder to the anti-fetal medicine.

Once he accidentally spilled some, he secretly put it away and went to check it secretly.It would be the kind of Yu Luoyan who kills two people.

"My slave pays my respects to Concubine Qian and Empress Qian, and my empress is blessed and safe." Liu Ruyun saluted.

Concubine Qian saw that it was Liu Ruyun, so she asked Huan Zhu to go down and guard the door.

"Why do you want to push a little maid?" Concubine Qian asked doubtfully.

"She put Yu Luoyan in the concubine Zhen's anti-fetal medicine. I saw that she measured too much today. I was afraid that the young master Zhen would have something wrong and couldn't explain to the empress, so I pushed Ke'er." Liu Ruyun didn't know. Why, maybe he didn't want someone to use such a sinister and vicious method to harm an unsuspecting person, so he couldn't hold back for a while and pushed it away.

It's just that he doesn't understand Concubine Qian's thoughts. In the past, the person she disliked the most was Nian Tingyu, because when Concubine Hua was in the palace, she often tried to lure the then prince to her bedroom, and even intercepted Concubine Qian several times. Lord's.

After all, I still hate Concubine Hua more than Concubine Zhen.

"No wonder..." She guessed what Nian Tingyu was proud of.Sure enough, he was born into a family of generals, and the method of harming others is so naive, simple and rude.

"My servant thinks, that Keer should belong to Concubine Hua." Several times after seeing her throwing bowls, eunuchs and maids from Concubine Hua's Palace walked by the door.

"You have done a good job. You must know that Nian Tingyu has been favored by her for so long, and now only this person in Zhongcui Palace can compete with her. If she is killed by her, I am afraid that Nian Tingyu will try her best again. Grab the favor of this palace."

Concubine Qian smiled and continued to tease the peonies in the wide mouth basin.That Zhen Yijin cannot die now.

She is of great use value.

"I'd like to see. As the minister of humerus who helped the emperor ascend to the throne, is his father Longkodo not as good as Nian Gengyao? I am not as good as Nian Tingyu, who is flirtatious and ostentatious all day long. As long as I have time, I will be sure." It can be more important than Nian Tingyu in the emperor's heart." As she said, the peony in her hand had already become a handful of shredded and wrinkled petals.

"As long as the young master likes it, the slave will definitely cooperate with the young master." Liu Ruyun saluted.

This is her wish. Since she entered the palace, their childhood sweethearts have not been as important as the emperor's heart.

"It seems that your little master's life is not long. I always feel that a person should not be too selfish, let alone a person who is not very smart. When he has time, he should tell her some truths, so that he will not die in ignorance."

She patted the scum in her hand, although Nian Tingyu didn't push Zhen Yijin to the forefront, fortunately, she had this incident as a clue.

Thinking about it this way, all the thoughts are not in vain.

In the dark sky, there are thick dark clouds.It makes people feel a lot of oppression for no reason.

Thinking about today's events, Yi Jin lay on the bed with a headache.I always feel that my mother's injury has something to do with me.

"Auntie, you are someone who has experienced it, and you can see that things are more comprehensive. Who do you think will push Ke'er down the steps, and who will push my mother down the attic."

"My lord thinks that Madam was pushed down the attic." Fei Cui said.

"I always find it very strange. You said that Concubine Hua is not a brave and foolish person. Why did she come to tell me about my mother's injury after I found out that my mother fell down? It's a fake Caring, isn't her timing too coincidental?"

(End of this chapter)

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