Chapter 396 Chapter 396
"Then have you ever heard of any secrets?" She thought she couldn't hide it.

The little girl nodded, she happened to know a little about this secret.

Hissed mysteriously: "In the past, the emperor's favorite woman lived in Zhongcui Palace, but he didn't want the young master to be murdered in the fire. The fourth master was so sad that if anyone mentioned Zhongcui Palace's daughter The Lord is the crime of beheading. No one dares to mention it now."

"Excessively sad?"

The little girl said sincerely: "Isn't it? That's what my little master said. He said that the emperor loves too deeply and is too sad to be mentioned. So she always talks about it in private. But ah... ..."

Seeing her blinking her eyes, Yi Jin looked around and said: "I heard from the court ladies that the order was given because the emperor hated her. Otherwise, after three years, no matter how sad it is, it will be diluted by time. Why not?" Let people mention it, it must be hated, or."


"That's right, it's just like the young master Maopin said that she hates the poor to the extreme."

"Hate to be poor?" Yi Jin recalled the emperor's attitude just now, she smiled, what was she expecting.

Yuan also never loved.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Imperial Physician Du took the pulse of Fourth Master. Fourth Master leaned on the dragon chair and rubbed his temples, feeling more and more tired.

"Your Majesty, the body of a dragon is the most important thing, so you should rest more." Imperial Physician Du knelt down and begged, now that the Emperor's body is over-tired, and he might not be able to take it anymore after sitting in front of the case day and night reviewing memorials.

Su Peisheng saw that Physician Du was speaking earnestly, and asked worriedly, "Physician, what's the matter?"

Fourth master had a terrible headache, he waved his hand to signal to go on.

Imperial Physician Du didn't answer, so Su Peisheng followed.

Physician Du looked back and saw that the emperor was still revising the memorial with the imperial pen in his hand, shook his head and said, "I'm so tired! Now the pulse is very weak, and the body is exhausted. The emperor should take a good rest. Combining with leisure and leisure, and then use some supplements to see if it can replenish physical strength. But after all, you still need to have a good rest, sufficient sleep can make you full of energy. The emperor will not listen to persuasion now, and asked the father-in-law to take more trouble."

Su Peisheng nodded: "There is the doctor Laudu."

After sending the imperial physician away, Su Peisheng had a plan in mind when he saw the emperor sitting at his desk.

Now it seems that I have to report to the empress, so let's make my own decision to invite the young concubine tonight.

Fourth Master stared blankly at the rice paper full of days under his hand. If it wasn't for the scent of the medicine just now, his head wouldn't be hurting so much, and he was at a loss for what to do with the pain.

At that moment, he thought it was her who came back, but it turned out that she was nothing but a person.

"Jin'er, you're becoming more and more misbehaving. You know I'm waiting for you, but you don't give me any news."

Su Peisheng saw that the rice paper was on the case again, and the fourth master Junxiu's neat handwriting was added with a day that could not be waited for. He should be the most ruthless person in the world, but he became the most affectionate one. He could only shake his head in distress and persuaded .

"The servant knew that the emperor was not sleepy, so he ordered Maogui to come over and play a song. The emperor wants to listen to it to soothe his mood."

The sound of her piano was like spring water ding dong like a lark's voice, Fourth Master propped his aching head and looked at Chang Yue in a daze.Today she is just like she was three years ago, dressed in plain clothes, bowing her head and smiling sweetly, her calm eyes full of affection.Lowering his head and following the playing with his fingertips, he was shy and cute. He looked more and more intoxicated until he stopped the imperial brush in his hand, and his handsome carved face became quiet. Su Peisheng knew that the emperor had fallen asleep.

The sound of the piano hovered in the air for a long time, and the fourth master smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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