Justice is never absent

Chapter 257 Inside Story

Chapter 257 Inside Story
"Are they trustworthy?"

Ain didn't make a sound when Xiunan was talking with Dorag, but only asked when it was time.

Others don't know much about the forces of the Revolutionary Army, and they don't even know where they are now.

I only know that they often appear in some world government countries to do some unknown things.

But being able to survive the encirclement and suppression by the world government for so many years can represent their strength.

"It's no good for them to deceive us about this, because sooner or later we'll have to fight the Beasts Pirates."

Of course, Xiunan couldn't trust the Revolutionary Army 100%, but he also felt that it was pointless for the Revolutionary Army to use this incident to deceive the Neo Navy.

Do you want to avenge Ace and let the neo navy confront the Beasts Pirates head-on?

If this is the case, they don't need to do this at all. After the battle in Wano Country is over, the Beast Pirates will be the first to deal with the neo navy.

So let's just trust the Revolutionary Army once.

As for Dorag's request to take away most of the territory in the distribution of the aftermath, Xiunan finally agreed.

Although it is a bit early to discuss such things now, it is better to clarify some things in advance.

"Ai Yin, do you know anything about Wano Country?" Xiunan asked.

Xiunan didn't know anything about the Wano country, except that he had heard of it through a few words from other people.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to get this information through anyone other than the locals of Wano Country. They never accept outsiders." Ain shook his head.

Wano country has completely blocked the communication between its own country and the outside world. Over the years, no one has known the internal situation of Wano country.

If it weren't for the Beast Pirates' attack on Wano country recently, I am afraid that this country would not appear in people's sight.

"That's really troublesome." Xiunan was also a little distressed about this situation.

Although the main goal is to deal with the Hundred Beasts Pirates, it is still very troublesome to smear the situation there.

"Have Xiu Zuo and the others returned?"

Because Xiunan and the Revolutionary Army didn't know what was going on in Wano Country, they had to hurry up.

Because Wano Country is not close to here.

"I came back a few days ago, and now I have finished repairing." Ain immediately replied, she remembered all these things clearly.

"Very good! Tell them to get ready, we will leave the day after tomorrow." Xiunan continued to pick up the documents on the table and said.

To deal with such a powerful enemy as the Beast Pirates, the neo navy must use all its strength!

It was so difficult to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates without Whitebeard before, and the Beast Pirates that are about to face will be even more terrifying.

Although the current neo navy is much stronger than before and there is a smile to join, but the enemy is one of the top pirate groups in the new world.


After receiving Xiunan's order, Ai Yin left in a hurry. In this battle, almost the entire neo navy was dispatched, and there were a lot of preparations that needed to be done.

The same preparations are being made on Baldigo Island, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

This action can be said to be the biggest move since the establishment of the Revolutionary Army, but not everyone has the strength to drag down the Pirates, which can be said to be standing at the apex, like the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Even if Drago has summoned most of the cadres to Baldigo, it cannot be said that 100% can defeat the Beasts Pirates.

So he approached the neo navy, because the neo navy would definitely agree to his plan.

Whether it's Zefa or Xiunan.

Of course, Drago is willing to be hostile to the Hundred Beasts Pirates for Wano Country not because of a whim.

After all, Wano Country's xenophobia has been a long-standing style. It would be embarrassing if I wanted to help but was rejected.

The reason he had this plan was because Sabo met some amazing people on the way back from Dressrosa.

After contacting through the phone bug, he made up his mind to help Wano Country deal with the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

If he didn't get a definite promise, Drago wouldn't be so kind as to put the backbone of the revolutionary army in danger in order to help a Wano country whose enemies are unknown to us.

The promise of the young master of the Guangyue family is very important.

I know a little about the name of the Guangyue family, Drago, after all, their current owner is a crew member on the One Piece ship.

He is also the most exposed Wano countryman in the eyes of the world.

From Kozuki Momanosuke's mouth, Dorag also learned why the general of Wano Country betrayed to Kaido's side.

Because Kozuki Oden's thinking is completely opposite to the current mainstream thinking in Wano Country.

Of course, it was not his idea of ​​opening Wano Country to contact with the outside world that caused his death, but the secret of being able to decipher ancient characters in the Kozuki family.

Drago doesn't care about this secret, after all, Nico Robin, who is also able to decipher ancient characters among their companions, doesn't need to acquire such technology at all.

What Drago cares about is the attitude of the Guangyue family.

At this moment of life and death of the Guangyue family, Drago can get a heavy enough promise.

Although it feels a little bit of taking advantage of others, it is all a matter of your love and my wish.

But is this promise reliable?
Not at all hard to say.

Drago is also not sure whether the Guangyue family will fulfill this promise after they jointly defeat the Beast Pirates.

Of course Drago would not agree if there were only such benefits, but the territory that can be harvested after defeating the Beast Pirates can greatly strengthen the revolutionary army.

The long-term immersion has allowed the current revolutionary army to accumulate strong strength, and it is also time to step forward.

"The kid back then, unexpectedly managed to get to this point." Looking at the phone bug in his hand, Drago smiled.

"Mr. Dorag, all the cadres have arrived." Sabo, who was standing in front of Dorag, said.

His face is very calm now, and he has no dissatisfaction at all about joining forces with the enemy.

"How are those members of the Guangyue family doing now?" Drago asked as if remembering something.

The identities of these three are very important. If they disappear now, their efforts will be in vain.

"No accident happened," Sabo replied.

Kozuki Momanosuke, Kin'emon, and Kanjuro were not in Baldigo Island.

This blessed island is the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, and Drago doesn't want to be exposed in the eyes of others.

"The CP organization has also been strengthened in recent years! It is necessary to raise [-] points of vigilance.
We cannot expect the world government to ignore our next steps. "Dorag said seriously.

Next, their opponents are not only the Hundred Beasts Pirates, but also the World Government.

"Okay, let's go meet those cadres we haven't seen for several years."

 Power outage, rushing now.Karp and Zefa are in the same period, but Zefa's record in the encyclopedia says that Karp has received Zefa's guidance.

(End of this chapter)

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