Chapter 101

Ye Ying and the others have performed various missions in the past few months, not only including bringing back timber, food, water, gasoline and other things, but also saving people and getting them out of the hands of zombies. Recapture the most dangerous missions such as arsenals and ironworks.

On this day, Ben was no different from every day for the previous three months.Ye Ying and the others just completed a big mission yesterday and successfully rescued hundreds of people from the deep mountains. Today, the five of them chose to stay at home to rest as in the past.

It’s less than October and you can’t feel the breath of winter. The autumn tiger lasts longer than in previous years, and now you can still feel the heat of summer.

In the lazy afternoon, even the people guarding the gate of the base were slack, and on the road leading to the base, a military off-road vehicle whizzed by at a very fast speed.

When it rushed to the gate of the western base, it stopped suddenly because it was too fast, and the whole car turned a big corner on the road before it barely stopped and did not hit the power grid.

The screeching sound of the tires rubbing against the ground drew the attention of some lazy people, and they recognized that this car was for scouts.

When this consciousness flashed through their minds, everyone's nerves suddenly became tense. Someone had already rushed to the side of the car, opened the door for the people in the car, and saw the person in the driver's seat covered with scars and was horrified at the same time. He asked again, "What's the matter? What happened?"

"There's...a large wave...of zombies...coming towards...the base..." The man in the driver's seat uttered such a sentence with difficulty, and even vomited blood when he finished speaking.

He seemed to feel that he was going to be unable to hold on anymore, he stared at the person by the door with wide eyes that could barely see the eyeballs and said hastily, "Kill me! Kill me! I don't want to become a zombie!" His mouth It was still bleeding.

While talking, he took out a gun from somewhere, but the person next to the car door was a distance away from him, and he didn't have time to grab it... In fact, he didn't know whether he should grab it or not.


The gunshot rang out suddenly, and the person in the driver's seat tilted his head.He still opened his eyes wide, with an expression on his face that seemed reconciled and reassured, just like that...sacrificed...

The person next to the car door woke up like a dream in the next second, and his mind echoed what the person said just now, "A large wave of zombies is coming towards the base." He only knew that he should report the news to his superiors immediately.

He reached out to caress the eyes of the sacrificed soldier, and then closed the car door vigorously, trying to calm himself down. For some reason, his body trembled a little...

dormitory area.

The whole family had lunch together, and Ye Ying felt a little sleepy again, so she went back to her room to take a nap; Xie Wei was not sleepy, and was absorbed in reading a novel; Ye's father, Ye's mother, and Ye Kun played cards together; Everything in peace and tranquility makes people feel no trace of cruelty in the last days.

"Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo -"

A low and rapid siren sound suddenly rang throughout the large rescue base in the west. Xie Wei raised his head from the page in an instant. Father Ye, Mother Ye, and Ye Kun all stopped playing cards, and Ben Ben was taking a nap. Ye Ying suddenly opened the door and jumped out of the room.

Xie Wei: "What's going on?"

"Maybe...the zombies have come to besiege the base..."

Ye Ying is not sure. The reason why she is not sure is that it should be more than a year after she experienced a large number of zombies besieging the base in her previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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