Chapter 162

If Ye Ying were alone, she would probably be in a hurry to find her brother, Gu Shu and the others, but now that Lin Qi is fine, she is not in a hurry, thinking that her brother will be fine too, and Gu Shu Nothing will happen to Chen Mo.

Lin Qi got down from the tree, and Ye Ying walked over to heal him with healing abilities.Lin Qi didn't refuse, but quietly accepted Ye Ying's help, and asked her, "Did you find anyone else?"

His voice was a little hoarse, and when he got closer to look at Ye Ying, he realized that his eyebrows were covered with a thin layer of ice.After hearing Lin Qi's words, Ye Ying responded to him, then hesitated and said to Lin Qi, "Your eyebrows...are frozen."

Lin Qi casually raised his hand to wipe it, and the thin ice shattered and then disappeared.After that, the two of them seemed to have nothing to say, Ye Ying treated Lin Qi while Lin Qi just waited, instead of staring at Ye Ying, he looked around the surrounding environment.

In about two to three minutes, Ye Ying treated Lin Qi until he was in a similar situation to her own, and then she stopped. At this time, Lin Qi had already taken a good look at the surrounding environment.

They are now in a forest, there are trees and snow everywhere, not to mention living things, but they can't find anything edible.Leaving here is inevitable, but there are other things to do first.

"Do you want to make a mark here?" Ye Ying asked Lin Qi.Make a mark for their own convenience, and in case Gu Shu, Chen Mo or her brother Ye Kun come here, they can have a clear direction on how to find the two of them.

Lin Qi nodded, indicating that he fully agreed with Ye Ying's words.At the same time, he also used his ice ability to conjure up an ice skate, and then asked Ye Ying, "Shall we go south?"

"it is good."

Ye Ying nodded, and then Lin Qi started to carve words on the tree with an ice skate.The ice blade is sharp, and it doesn't take too much effort to carve the characters, so he quickly got it done.

"Let's go."

Lin Qi greeted Ye Ying and signaled that she could leave.Ye Ying circled around, only to feel that there were trees in all directions, and then looked up at the sky...there was no sun...

"Is that direction... the south?" Ye Ying asked Lin Qi again hesitantly.As a road idiot, and a road idiot who can't tell the difference between east, west and north at all, and sometimes even has to react to the left and right to react, Ye Ying said that she is under a lot of pressure now.

Lin Qi raised his foot and walked two steps, turned around to look at Ye Ying, who hadn't followed, and saw Ye Ying's expression of "I don't study much, don't lie to me".

Lin Qi couldn't help laughing, partly because of Ye Ying's expression, and partly because of Ye Ying's tone of questioning.

The smile on his face disappeared almost instantly, and it was still there one second before it disappeared. After putting away the smile, he opened his mouth and said to Ye Ying, "I'm sure...very sure, so let's go."

Ye Ying thought that soldiers are different, so she followed her up.

(End of this chapter)

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