Chapter 171

Before Professor Sun could finish speaking, an alarm suddenly sounded in the base, interrupting his words at once.The alarm will not sound easily in the base. There is only one possibility if the alarm is sounded, and that is that zombies have come to besiege the base.

Both Ye Ying and Ye Kun thought for a moment that their parents were still outside to participate in the plan of planting crops at the base, and now that the alarm is sounding at the base, they don't know if their parents have returned.They are concerned about their parents, so naturally they don't have the mind to stay here anymore.

After saying sorry to Professor Sun, Ye Ying and Ye Kun ignored Gu Shu and the three of them and left directly to find their parents.It is actually impossible for the three of Lin Qi to stay here any longer at this time, but they are just a step behind Ye Ying and Ye Kun.

After Ye Ying and Ye Kun turned around and left, Lin Qi also apologized to Professor Sun, and left with Gu Shu and Chen Mo.They had different destinations from Ye Ying and Ye Kun, so there was no reason why they had to be together.

After coming out of the scientific research building, Ye Ying and Ye Kun rushed back to the place where they lived, but Ye's father and Ye's mother were not there, and even Xie Wei was not there.The two of them ran towards the gate of the base again. Since the base can sound the alarm, they should recall the people outside.

Ye Ying and Ye Kun saw Father Ye and Mother Ye when they were about to reach the gate of the base.

As they thought, those working outside were called back to base.Most of these people rushed into the base in a panic, and only a few of them were relatively calm.These people helped the soldiers to maintain order and ensured that no tragedy of crowding and stampede occurred.

Ye Ying and Ye Kun breathed a sigh of relief seeing their parents successfully entered the base.

Xie Wei also came over at this time. Seeing Ye Ying and Ye Kun, and seeing Ye's father and Ye's mother walking towards this side, he was also relieved, and then went to say hello to his good friend.

Because she knew that Ye Ying and Ye Kun had been taken away by someone, so when she heard the alarm, she came to the gate of the base to look for Ye's father and Ye's mother.Seeing that everyone is doing well now, I feel relieved.

In Xie Wei's view, she has been taken care of by her good friend's family, and she is not a heartless person. Naturally, she has the responsibility and obligation to take care of her good friend's parents.Now that there is a situation, if I don't find it immediately, I won't be able to feel at ease.

Xie Wei is like this, Li Rong, Liu Susu, and Xu Can also came to find Ye's father and Ye's mother, including Jiang Lan and Xie Lin, and they all acted in the same way.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Ying and Lin Qi rescued a group of survivors from a small base before carrying out the task of tracking zombies, including Li Rong's parents.

Ye Ying and the others immediately went to perform another mission after completing this mission, so Ye Ying didn't know about it until they returned to the base.

In addition to Li Rong's parents, Liu Susu's father was also brought back to the base by other soldiers with supernatural powers who were on a mission to save the survivors.

They didn't have much hope at first, but they didn't expect to reunite with their loved ones.In addition to the joy and excitement of the reunion, I am even more grateful to Ye Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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