Chapter 181

Since there are such suites in the base, it means that some people have been prepared to take special care from the beginning, so they live better than ordinary people... It can be regarded as peace of mind.

Everyone else found things to do on their own, but there was no one to clean up the house. Now that Ye Ying had nothing to do, she simply cleaned all the rooms including the living room, and took everyone's dirty clothes out to wash.When she finishes doing this, she still maintains the same thought as before... She should agree to Lin Qi's suggestion...

In the evening, Ye Ying and Xie Chunfang talked about inviting Lin Qi and the others to dinner tomorrow, and Ye's mother promised to go home early the next day to cook, and asked Ye Ying to prepare the materials first if nothing happened.

As long as you are willing to spend gold, you can still buy meat.Vegetables began to be cultivated with nutrient solution, and some successfully cultivated vegetables could also be bought in the market inside the base.The relationship between Ye Kun and Ye Ying's joining the army can also get some state subsidies.

With electricity, refrigerators can also be used.Many civilians have a lot of spatial powers, which may have been unbelievable at the time, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and so on. At the beginning, it was inevitable that they would feel very strange, but now it makes people feel... It seems that it is not completely It's useless... Even, the selling price is quite good, after all, it's something that can't be produced in a short time.

Because it is seawater power generation, it does not need all kinds of power saving like in the ground base, which is more generous in this respect.It's just that electricity needs to be offset by food or gold, and the amount of electricity used can be offset by the corresponding value. It can be said that if you are a capable person, you can still live well in this submarine base.

On the second night, Lin Qi, Gu Shu, and Chen Mo came over to have a meal together. Speaking of them, these juniors were not too different in age, and the atmosphere was very harmonious when they played together.I don't know where Gu Shu got a pair of cards and a pair of mahjong. After dinner, they had these two entertainments.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Ying also told Lin Qi that she wanted to find something to do.Ye Ying felt that she belonged to this team, and Lin Qi was the default captain, and she had given her such a suggestion before, so she thought it was okay to ask him, so she naturally proposed it.

But it doesn't feel like this when it comes to Lin Qi.In Lin Qi's eyes, Ye Ying was always an independent and independent person, and he couldn't even remember what Ye Ying asked him for help.Now Ye Ying offered to ask him to do something for her...

He felt a little surprised for a moment, and then he was very happy about what was going on...

Is Ye Ying asking him to be so happy...

Lin Qi thought about these two questions very seriously, and finally had to admit that unconsciously, before he even realized it, he actually had some special feelings for Ye Ying, um.

The fact that he suddenly recognized made Lin Qi feel a little bad. What made Lin Qi feel bad was not his feelings for Ye Ying, but the future of this relationship...

(End of this chapter)

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