Chapter 186

Lin Qi and Ye Ying still trained separately in the same training ground, and he also noticed the situation on Ye Ying's side.It's not good for him to just leave the people here to help Ye Ying, and Ye Ying doesn't look angry at all, Lin Qi thought she had her own ideas, and was going to wait and see for a while.

Because of being provoked by someone like this, Ye Ying stopped training.She didn't look angry, but she didn't have the gentle attitude towards everyone before.

"Since the three of you can't hear clearly and don't understand, go back for now." Ye Ying pointed at the few people who caused trouble just now, and asked them to go back.This is also to put the words nicely, to put it in a vulgar way is to listen to it or not...

These people understood the meaning of Ye Ying's words.More importantly, the base has already issued an order that if they do not participate in the training, they will be sent to the ground, and Ye Ying's words are undoubtedly threatening them with this.

The expressions of these people changed immediately after they understood this. The three of them are all supernatural beings, and they are all middle-aged people in their 30s.Being threatened by a little girl like this, I immediately feel ashamed, not to mention there are so many people around them watching them.

"Why do you say that we have to go back if we want to go back? We won't go yet!" Feeling unable to hold back, one of the three people immediately became sideways, but forgot to weigh his own strength first.

If it was at the very beginning, maybe they would have thought about it, Ye Ying can stand here and teach them that their strength will definitely not be bad.But now, they didn't think about it at all.

Ye Ying has read the information of these people in advance, and she knows what abilities these three people have.Those who would become like this must have neglected to exercise their abilities for a long time in the past, but Ye Ying did not.

Even when there was no danger for such a long time, Ye Ying, like the army, has been training.During this period of time, her abilities have made breakthroughs again.It is not a problem at all to deal with such three people at once.

For this kind of dissatisfied people, it is useless to talk too much nonsense, and relying on strength to speak is the most direct and effective way to stop their mouths.

"If you don't leave, you will delay other people's training. What do you think? Isn't it just unconvinced?" Ye Ying looked at these people, her face still changing.

When Ye Ying quarreled with these three people, the others consciously moved out of the way so that they could scold each other directly... After Ye Ying finished speaking, she moved, but In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the man among the three, with an ice skate in his hand around his neck.

This scene happened so fast and too suddenly that no one could react in the next moment.It was also because of this scene that it completely attracted the attention of the ordinary supernatural beings trained by Lin Qi.

Seeing that everyone stopped, Lin Qi smiled helplessly, and felt that Ye Ying's simple and rude method was quite good.He coughed on purpose, and with a serious tone, he yelled loudly, "What are you looking at! Continue training!"

(End of this chapter)

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