Chapter 188

I don't know if I was overwhelmed by Ye Ying's strength or by Ye Ying's words, but after that, I passed the first day of training without incident.

After the dissolution, Lin Qi waited for Ye Ying as usual, and the two left together.Ye Ying was rarely in a bad mood, there was almost no smile on her face, and she had a gloomy face almost all day long.

Although Ye Ying doesn't smile all the time, her emotions are quite obvious, basically they can be seen clearly at a glance, and it is really very rare to be unhappy with a straight face.

Lin Qi felt...that he was more and more hopeless, why did he feel...cute when he saw Ye Ying's slightly swollen face?
This perverted thought...

I feel like I'm not going to get better...

"Still angry?" Lin Qi adjusted his emotions, and asked Ye Ying, who was walking beside him sullenly, while walking outside the practice field.

Ye Ying was indeed in a bad mood, probably because all kinds of emotions were mixed together, and she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and she didn't encounter any happy things to make her mood better, so she just kept a straight face.

She subconsciously wanted to deny it, but changed her mind in an instant, nodded, and paused for a while before saying, "Well, a little bit."

Lin Qi squinted at Ye Ying who seemed to be indifferent, and asked, "Is there a little... or is it actually a lot?"

"So you're not angry at all? Or do you think it's useless to be angry so you don't care?" Lin Qi asked this, Ye Ying simply asked him what he thought seriously.

This was beyond Lin Qi's expectation, he didn't expect Ye Ying to throw the question on him.Ye Ying asked very seriously, and Lin Qi also thought about this question very seriously.After thinking seriously, he answered Ye Ying seriously.

"How should I put it, even if it's useful to be angry, I probably won't be angry. I don't know what happens to others, but when I first chose to take this path, I was not prepared to care about other people's thoughts. "

"What I do is what I want to do and what I think is right. That's enough. Whether others do it or not is not the reason for me to do it. My will is not influenced by anyone."

Ye Ying had to admit that she was a little startled by Lin Qi's words, and she described it as a feeling of being hit in the heart for a moment.

She took a look at the things she had done from her rebirth to the present. All along, she was doing what she thought was right, but it was different from Lin Qi.

In fact, she has always had her own selfishness, and she has always felt that this is a normal thing.

For example, when she saw Xie Lin and Jiang Lan die, because she believed that they had a strong desire to survive, because she admired them, she chose to save them—although she has not felt that she was wrong until now, but at the same time she Will turn a blind eye to the danger of some other people they don't like.

If it was Lin Qi, no matter whether he likes the other party or not, as long as the other party is not heinous, he will save the same.This is the difference between her and Lin Qi.So she would get angry, but on Lin Qi, he wouldn't do the same thing as her...

So what will he do?

When Ye Ying thought of this, she asked the question at the same time, and then she heard Lin Qi say to her——

"Well, probably, let's beat him to death."

Can she take back all her thoughts just now?
Ye Ying was stunned for a moment, but when she realized it, she was really amused by Lin Qi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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