Chapter 198

After releasing the fireball, Lin Qi and the five of them all backed away for a distance to prevent the crows from breaking through the flames and they were caught off guard for a moment.

After retreating a little distance, Lin Qi and the others cooperated to release the fire and wind abilities again, and continued to attack the mutated crow.

Gu Shu on the other side took out a laser gun from the space, and fired a burst of fire at the air.Because she only has the ice ability left, if the ice ability and the fire ability touch together, the attack power of both sides will be weakened.

Ye Ying didn't take a break either, she happened to have a fire so that she could see a little more clearly, and by the sound of the mutated crows, she could judge where they were.The spiritual ability turned into multiple sharp arrows, hitting in that direction.

With the close cooperation of the five people, finally the first crow fell from the sky.

Ye Ying could feel that one of the psychic powers she released just now successfully attacked a mutated crow's head.In the process of invading with spiritual powers, she could feel that it was more difficult to break through than the zombies or mutated animals she had encountered before.

This means that the brain bones of these mutated crows have become harder, and they rely on this change to protect their heads.So, is there actually something in the heads of these mutated crows...

"Their heads are too hard, Gu Shu, bullets can't get in at all. These crows are too mutated, we may not be able to take this car, we have to change it, you go and pack the things in the car first , we are ready to leave."

Ye Ying continued to attack the mutated crow with spiritual powers, while talking to Gu Shu who was not far away from her.Gu Shu heard that this made sense, so he put away his gun and stepped back towards the car. The place where they were at this time was already some distance away from where the car was parked.

Lin Qi, Chen Mo, and Ye Kun spent more than half of their wind and fire powers, including Ye Ying's spiritual powers, before they finally wiped out these mutated crows.

The completely dead mutated crow lay motionless on the ground, but the stench remained unchanged, exactly the same as when it appeared.

"I want to see... is there anything wrong with their heads..." Ye Ying explained to the others in advance, and then walked towards the side where the mutated crow fell.

Lin Qi immediately followed her and walked to her side, using the power of fire to continue to illuminate the surrounding environment.Ye Kun and Chen Mo also followed, wondering what was going on.On the other side, he quickly packed his things, and Gu Shu, who got out of a new car, walked directly towards this side.

In the flickering firelight, dozens of mutated crows lay dead on the ground, motionless.Even though it looked like this, it was almost certain that they were dead, so Lin Qi found a stick and poked the dozen or so crows one by one to make sure that they were really dead and would never move again.

(End of this chapter)

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