Chapter 201

They shouldn't be from their own country, but they sound like they are from H country...

"Do any of us speak H language?"

"A little bit..." Gu Shu said, and added, "But I don't really want to save..."

Ye Ying couldn't help but smiled, but also echoed Gu Shu's words, "I agree, I don't really want to save you." She turned her head to look at Gu Shu, and confirmed with her again, "They really said they were asking for help just now. Don't you want us to leave quickly?"

"Although I really hope that what they said is to tell us to leave quickly, but I have to be realistic...they are really asking for help." Gu Shu said helplessly.

When Ye Ying and Gu Shu were arguing, Lin Qi had already stopped the car steadily.It was okay not to save people at that time, anyway, it was not from our own country, let alone under the circumstances that they were carrying out their mission.

No humanitarian spirit is useless now, if they want to save it, they can save it if they don't want to... Don't they have to bear the consequences?At least they didn't receive an order to "save survivors from any country if they see them"...

"Let's go." Lin Qi got out of the car first and said to the others.In an instant, everyone else came down.It's not that they have a conscience and want to save these people, but they have considered another situation.For example, there is the possibility that civilians of one’s own country or people of one’s own country who are not powerful are controlled by people from other countries and become slaves.

Even among the people in their own country, there are people with strong abilities who oppress and rule other ordinary people or people with weak abilities, let alone people from other countries.

Of course it is wrong to judge others with the greatest malice, but at this time and in this kind of matter, one must not be afraid to judge others with the greatest malice.

Needless to say, the attack power of the mutated bear, not to mention the mutated one, even under normal circumstances where it has not mutated, a single paw could directly kill a person.

It's just that after dealing with quite a few mutated animals, although it was a bit tricky for Lin Qi and the five of them, it was still within the range that could be solved smoothly.Compared with the group of mutated crows we met before, this mutated bear had a bigger target and was not in the air, so it was a little easier after all.

Those few people who were so scared by the mutant bear that their legs went limp didn't expect that someone would actually save them, and they were all so powerful. The mood of escaping from death made them a little excited.

After the five people worked together to deal with the mutant bear, Gu Shu, who could speak H, communicated with them. Ye Ying and the others studied the bear's head as before, but there was nothing special about it.

They didn't shy away from these few people, simply because these people probably broke away from the government, and even if there were other people behind them, it wouldn't change this.Even if this doesn't exist, it doesn't matter, these people's ability is not good even if they don't speak the language... It's a matter of minutes to solve them.

In the face of powerful strength, all tricks are false and have no effect.

(End of this chapter)

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