Chapter 21

If there were only zombies inside, Ye Ying would not hesitate, but she was afraid that there would be people who had been bitten by zombies and hadn't finished turning into zombies yet.This situation is not easy to handle.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Ye Ying seemed a little hesitant, Li Rong asked her in a low voice.

Who knew that Sun Weiqi in front heard it, turned his head to look at Ye Ying, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Instead of whining about it, Ye Ying might as well explain what was going on directly. She simply explained her thoughts to Sun Weiqi.

"Just before we went upstairs, there were only five or six zombies, and now the number has obviously increased."

"I guess we were in a blind spot just now, so we didn't see it." Said one of the two with Sun Weiqi.

Ye Ying nodded, "Yes, this is a possibility. Another possibility is that the employees who did not turn into zombies were bitten by zombies and turned into zombies. When we were here just now, it might be I have not awakened into a zombie state, and when we come back later, we will become zombies."

"As long as you are bitten, you will become a zombie?" The same boy asked Ye Ying.

"I'm not completely sure...but it's very likely that it is." Ye Ying didn't give a direct answer, but Ye Ying added, "I'm afraid there are employees who were bitten inside."

Being bitten and not turning into a zombie is not too difficult for Ye Ying to deal with...but it's different with these people.

"Why don't we sit outside here and eat something, and then go to the school gate to gather, the canteen on the first floor is gone." Originally, Ye Ying thought that it would be rare to have a hot and full meal in the future... Well, let's go on the road when we are full...

Ye Ying chose to give up, but after hearing Ye Ying's words, Sun Weiqi and the others wanted to go in and take a look. They wanted to confirm whether they would become zombies as long as they were scratched and bitten by zombies.

"We want to go in and have a look, to make sure..." Sun Weiqi took a deep breath, "If that's the case, we also need to make sure there are no wounds on our bodies..."

Ye Ying took a few glances at the three of them, and finally said, "Well, let's go in first and get rid of the zombies. If there are people who have been bitten by the zombies and have not mutated, we will send them outside first. By the way, we can observe It’s not true that if you are bitten or scratched, you will become a zombie.”

Sun Weiqi and the three of them all felt that Ye Ying's method was feasible, and they had no objection. Ye Ying's three roommates kept listening and did not speak.

After discussing this matter, Sun Weiqi said, "The three of us can just go in. These zombies are not very powerful, and the three of us can solve them."

"I'll go too," Ye Ying raised the hatchet in her hand, "Try this and see if it works." Sun Weiqi laughed, and the other two boys looked at her in horror.

At this moment, Li Rong, who had been silent all this time, said, "Let's go in together."

Liu Susu: "I can't just be protected by you all the time. If I run into a zombie at some point and end up being scared to pee, isn't that a dead end?"

Xu Can and Li Rong echoed: "I just got a kitchen knife and a bone cleaving knife as weapons, so let's just practice my hands."

Ye Ying quite agrees with this, and Sun Weiqi and the three of them also feel that this is indeed the case after hearing it. This is just the beginning of the end of the world, and they must learn to survive by themselves.They had a greater change in the few girls in front of them, and they also expressed some appreciation from the bottom of their hearts.

A group of seven people clenched the weapons in their hands. After discussing, Sun Weiqi turned his head sideways and twisted the door. The rest of the people also turned sideways to avoid the direction of the opened half door.

(End of this chapter)

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